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Need Help deciding what to do "Next" haha....


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Ok so basically, I made this account 2 months ago with the thoughts of maxing it out at 1 defence with 60 attack and 99 summoning and such. As I get closer to my goals the though of pking at 60 attack just isn't as much fun as it used to be. I mainly clan now and the thought of pking is just getting farther and farther away. I'm considering just making this a main clanning account with stats such as.

- 99 attack

- 99 prayer Turmoil

- 99 Summ ( Have charms for about 80 )

What's your guy's opinion on this?


60 attack turm is gay, and just get 95, 99 is pointless imo. get 99 summoning too.


60 attack turm is gay, and just get 95, 99 is pointless imo. get 99 summoning too.

It's for the cape, basically :P


60 attack turm is gay, and just get 95, 99 is pointless imo. get 99 summoning too.


Nice joke :P

um get summoning bruh


Nice joke :P

um get summoning bruh

Working on it now XD


99atk is pointless


80attk turm max stats with 99 summoning :) 95prayer



Jealous? :)

what that she's your avatar? nope  :shifty:

Max out EVERYTHING, 121 cmb  pleeease, main status will be achieved :)


99 sum + turmoil


99 sum + turmoil

I think that's what I'm gonna end up doing.


my opinion is ur a          noob. :lol:

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