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Mage Boxing?


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well, my main question is do people mage box at lvl 79 or near it..?  :unsure2:

since I finally got 99 mage/hp I wanna try my luck with it  :whistle:

EDIT: srry put this in wrong forum  :icon2f:


idk , i dont stake


Yeah, but gl finidng people tho, not too many.


go w54 duel arena and see for yourself


make sure u dont fight others with higher def because def does count when mage boxing even tho some people dont believe it does. Wikia it lol


Have fun, be ready to lose alot of gp when you start.


I'm lvl 79 with the same stats lmao.

And yea they do, just check stats first.


I think i might have got you to answer this question , as i made bank loot :)


gl dont lose ur bank matey


You can always find someone to stake you, try amsging it through irc.


Hey. You should know me. -- Iucifer --

You'll have no troubles finding someone to Mage Box. Even defense doesn't play a huge part in it. Mage Box 138s and have them 1.5-2x you :3

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