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FOE Sunday Trip!


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Videos of the day:


Thanks to Kopono (Proud Member)


Thanks to Pete (High Council)

Our KDR compared to other clans.


Thanks X0


Today FOE headed out into the wild with a strong 75 man pull. To start off the trip we went straight after the Mayhem Makers, after hopping several worlds we finally found the Mayhem makers lurking around GDZ/Gap. We immediately got organised and headed up to GAP, as soon as we hit dwarves we decided to get a quick spread and charge north as we knew Mayhem makers where a few mini-maps away from us.



Our first fight was against MM. We rushed them from piper and they quickly spread along GAP. After quick domination and calls from leaders we pushed Mayhem Makers through the GAP and cleared the few remaining members of their clan. After GAP was cleared we headed to GDZ for a regroup and noticed a few Mayhem Makers struggling to make it to single, after the call was made we rushed to GDZ and killed those stragglers from MM. Shortly after the fight ended we heard roomers of Higher Force logging in so we went down single strip and went to bank out delicious loot. End of the fight FOE had a strong 67 man ending with inventory's full of loot.


After the MM fight, we went around wild killing some mains and hitting some randoms. We hit a small group of Havoc at Mini volcano's (North East BH Stairs) after around 2 minutes they end up camping the single ling of the stairs and barraging us off the stairs, so we walked towards corp to hit another clan.



Shortly after going to the lobby we hear about TLP at new gate so we got their world and found out their location and walked up to new gate (in a different world then logged to lobby) as we heard TLP had hopped to a different world so we logged ontop of TLP and started to attack them on log in. Most of TLP logged out as soon as possible, but for the members that couldn't log out that quick we wiped out those members and got some free loot.


After clearing up the last few TLP left we noticed a clan was hitting us from the south, after turning around and hitting IR that was attacking us from the south they ran straight to single strip while we picked up our loot from TLP.



Shortly after picking up our loot IR re-rush us from the south, while members were still on top of the hill we could still barrage the IR that were clumping by running from single to multi, the fight didnt last too long as we heavily out opted IR and had the hill advantage shortly after the few remaining IR members bucked it down the single strip while we chased them down to bank our loot. Respect to IR for fighting so down on members.



Near the end of our trip there were few clans left out PKing and one of those clans were TLP so we chose to go and hit TLP just before we end the trip. After stepping into the wild from a regroup we got TLP's locations within a flash and started hunting them down, we walked all the way up to CORP in our home world and logged to lobby inside corp.

We Heard TLP were logging in at Dwarves so we rushed out of CORP and hit the remaining TLP members that had just logged in or were still logging in. Some pretty nice loot was gained shortly before we ended our trip.














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Don't forget to check out Foetube for the latest on Foe run ins!


NIce, Great topic.


np to x0 for linking u clanweekend site

tnx for credits fag!!

Gj on topic & was good trip.

3.4 kdr winning


np to x0 for linking u clanweekend site

tnx for credits fag!!

Gj on topic & was good trip.

3.4 kdr winning



Very nice 3.42 !


where's MM on the list?


They got under 0.45 KDR  :icon5l:

Or... They didn't ask to be added onto it.


last picture is the best !

Yeah the trip was awesome :D

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