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hey guys.... RollWith1t G&A


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hey guys names mitch im from Australia.....

i have been on these forums for quite some time but rarely post... mostly on here to watch vids (whick suck now btw with all the overhead hybridding and such) but also to track other no-life G&A's of peoples e.g. Chris, Vloo etc etc  <3

kk now for the questions.....

BTW IM NOT GETTING 5 or 10 or 20 or 30 or 45 def so dont bother saying turmoil as i already have a 30 def turmy

im going to take my time with any of these options so dont expect an app anytime soon

options are for me atm

99 range 99 mage 99 summ 52 pray

50 atk maxed incl summ 52 prayer

60 atk maxed incl summ 52 prayer

80 atk maxed incl summ 52 prayer

completely maxed 52 or 99 prayer NO DEF

every option will be trained through slayer btw so keep that in mind

going to skill as much as possible, getting 99 cooking as we speak as its fairly afkable

Bank Pic


Stat pic 22/10/11


Will up date with 99 cooking soon will go onto questing after

Anyway cheers guys give me your opions as to what to go with cheers

btw im also going change my name soon so yea no adds atm plz

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hmmmm.... im thinking if i get 60 atk maxed id be doing most slay tasks with range tho and that also cuts out sgs

so atm its either 80 atk maxed or completely maxed

but thanks for the imput guys

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l2bot lol and skilling is gay ;/

fyi im only getting one more 99 fro trim cape so i can get the prayer bonus until i get a fire cape and i plan on getting everything at least 70-80 cept def and prayer altho prayer is a if i can be fucked for 99

so eh

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hey guys wasnt sure whether to do the slayer on my main or pure so just decided to do it on pure

couldnt really take full advantage of the 3x slay xp coz of the time zones but still woke up early to get like 3hrs of the xp modifier

got 11-44 with cannon and non multi task also got from 55-58 range


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also did grand tree yesterday along with 30 agility plus the xp from the quest


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also did up to steel gloves going to get at least mith do mm and horror from the deep today and any other quest i get time to do

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mith gloves at 46 cmb

havnt been on much these past few days been busy irl but did the peng x2 points just thru it on attack as well as the 10k from shadow of the storm and also did horror from the deep however didnt realise you couldnt get bandos zaros and armadyl without having to get one of the others so i now have arma and guthix

going to powerslay now a bit maybe just to 55 so i can use leaf bladed sword to get 60 atk and whatnot then ill probs do some skilling and more quests after so i can get some more pure shit i.e. bearhead, crystal bow, ancients etc

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