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Dan's training log

Dan| High Rating

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Dan| High Rating

Hi, welcome to my log. Decided to make one so I can keep track of my progress, gains and hopefully share/gain tips on BBing.

Date of Birth: 16/12/1994

Height: 6' 0.5" (As of 22/10/11)

Weight: 178 lbs (As of 22/10/11)

BF%: 18 (As of 22/10/11)

Currently: Bulking until January 14th 2012.

Currently eating: 3700kcals / day. (250 g of protein / day)


- Whey Isolate

- Creatine

- Multivitamins

- BCAAS+Glutamine

- Casein before bed.


Arms: 14 inches

Chest: 42 inches

Quads: 23 inches

Waist: 30 inches

Goals to be achieved in some amount of time:

Achieve 190lbs at about 10-12% BF.

Keep growing taller.

Increase my 100m time to sub 11 seconds.

140KG bench ;) (not as 1RPM but as 3x6 and at 10% BF)

Will post some pics after I reach milestones etc.

Dan| High Rating

Sunday: Chest/Biceps.

4x8 incline dumbbell press - 32kg dbs

3x8 flat dumbbell press - 38 kg dbs

3x6 flat bench - 70 kg

3x8 decline flies - 16 kg

2xfailure weighted chest dips 5 kg weight.

3x8 bicep bb curl - 40 kg bb

3x8 preacher curls - 30 kg EZ bar

3x8 seated dumbbell curl (60degrees incline) 14kg dbs.

Still got massive doms from triceps 2 days ago, affected my chest :(, feels good tho.

Edit: Forgot to add weight.

Dan| High Rating

Remember : please be critical of any part of this log/my routine so I can improve!


i understand why people do chest bi's back tri's but really, its like wtf, like you said your triceps are sore from ur back workout which fucked with ur chest, now ur biceps will potentially be sore for ur back workout hindering that, i just dont really get it lol

Dan| High Rating

I used to do Chest/tris nd back/bis but found I could push harder when doing it the other way around because I fatigued my tris doing chest and bis doing back. I have a rest day tomorrow anyways so no proplem. Also don't normally get such DOMS for tris but just put the weight up on my skullcrushers/close grip bench


How come you stick to the same weight during an exercise?


How come you stick to the same weight during an exercise?

For the majority of the time I do the same.  Sometimes I'll add variety with a drop set or two but I like working near %70 of my max consistently for 8x3.  Every few weeks I'll add a 5-10lbs and try to progress into that consistency too.

Variety is/can be good.

Good luck on goals Dan; look like solid ones.


i dont care if ur a fat fuck

post pics.

38kg db bench i want pics.

Dan| High Rating

Early session this morning:

Tuesday: Back and Tris.

3x6 dl 80kg

3x8 db rows 35kg

3x8 lat widegrip pulldown 75kg

3x8 t-bar row --?

2xfailure wide grip pull ups

3x8 skull crushers (EZ bar) 35kg

3x8 close grip bench 50kg

3x8 tricep pull downs 25kg

2xfailure weighted tri dips

And walli, I said I will post pics when I reach milestones. Didn't make this thread expecting to be questioned about what I lift, and I don't see how a pic will prove I do 38kg db press and then i'll be expected to put up a video? Also, the only means of taking photos of myself is my 2mp camera on my bb and my small bedroom mirror, so you'll have to wait.


lol what the fuck how come ur dead's are so light, dont give me the im scared of doing my back in routine, because i find db rows far mor stressful as they TWIST ur back.

Dan| High Rating

Got a game of rugby 7s tomorrow, 'didn't want to hurt my back ;)'. Tbh tho my deads and squats are disproportionate to my chest and shoulders because i was a cunt for the first 8-9 months of my training and focused much more on my chest and most of my upper body, neglecting deadlifts and squats (because i believed several myths about hurting back/stunting growth etc, was 14-15 at the time) but now I train them properly and hope my deads and squats can catch up.


yea mate be nice to see them come up like, they do go up faster than everything else as your legs and back are obv bigger than everything else :)

Dan| High Rating

yea, thats the main reason I made this, so I could track my progress and push myself harder. Thanks for the encouragement.

Dan| High Rating

Thursday: Shoulders

3x8 28kg dumbbell press

3x6 60kg military press

3x8 10kg lateral raises

3x8 10kg bent over reverse fly

Result = shoulders are knackered and bruised from rugby the day before.. but still a good session.


decent dumbell press weight mate.

u only do 1 exercise for traps? (reverse fly). ever do shrugs/upright rows etc?

Dan| High Rating

decent dumbell press weight mate.

u only do 1 exercise for traps? (reverse fly). ever do shrugs/upright rows etc?

yea i do shrugs and behind back bb shrug but not on shoulder days - Usually fit them in before dling.


not questioning

just wanna perv and mire

Tom (Rendition)

Good to see another log.  Goodluck with your goals!

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