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Sex is so much better when you're high lol


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Gareth l Rare

Sex is so much better when you're high lol


Have to agree and meh slightly disagree

when your "high" its meh not much different, just ruins it unless your on a "hyper high" then its little better but rather watch tv/movie/game

when your "baked" na sex is last thing on my mind unless she does everything coz i can be fucked to do anything



noun ( ILLEGAL SUBSTANCE )  /drʌg/ [C]


• any natural or artificially made chemical which is taken for pleasure, to improve someone's performance of an activity, or because a person cannot stop using it

weed is a drug m8

ontopic: I'm not a weed expert but you probably just got some bad weed

That's the common misconception people have with the marijuana plant... Calling it a drug places it in the eyes of the public, in the same bracket as heroin, cocaine ect. That's why it's so looked down upon by the general community. Have you ever wondered why cigarettes are very rarely labeled as "Drugs"? Think about it.

Isn't cocaine natural...its crack thats made in the lab (well all you need is cocaine/bakingsoda/water)

All ive done is:





Weed is awesome of course. Alcohol is awesome but I havent done it in over half a year (gym>drunkness). Ecstacy=bestdrugever, i would say I take it about once every 2-3 months at a major EDM concert...not at a house party. and tobacco is nasty, only take it once with ecstacy, helps boost the high

Tobacco as in cigarettes actually calm you down when your on a rush from E, so does a joint. And I agree, its the best rush I've had from a drug. Too much destroys your body so I wouldn't call it the "best drug ever". Take max 2x ur weight (KG) in MDMA(mg) in 2 months and ur fine.


I get bitches giving me blowjobs and smuggling weed from their vaginas



topic had potential, too many idiots posting killed it


topic had potential, too many idiots posting killed it


Also @OP:

Do you smoke with other people? As others have said, certain people just don't react to THC, but honestly, a lot of what being "high" is to you is what it is to the people around you. Make sure you have good weed (!!!), a comfortable setting, and some more experienced smokers with you. Don't even think about getting high/the fact that you're not, because this will usually just make it less likely to happen. You'll usually just not even be thinking about it then suddenly "Holy shit everything is funny as fuck let's listen to music and eat food and shit."

I've had friends who haven't gotten high 'till their 3rd or 4th time, nothing quite like what you're experiencing, but could be for the same reasons. And, as said, you could just be immune (sucks), but give it a few more tries if you really want to and see  ;)



noun ( ILLEGAL SUBSTANCE )  /drʌg/ [C]


• any natural or artificially made chemical which is taken for pleasure, to improve someone's performance of an activity, or because a person cannot stop using it

weed is a drug m8

ontopic: I'm not a weed expert but you probably just got some bad weed

That's the common misconception people have with the marijuana plant... Calling it a drug places it in the eyes of the public, in the same bracket as heroin, cocaine ect. That's why it's so looked down upon by the general community. Have you ever wondered why cigarettes are very rarely labeled as "Drugs"? Think about it.

Isn't cocaine natural...its crack thats made in the lab (well all you need is cocaine/bakingsoda/water)

All ive done is:





Weed is awesome of course. Alcohol is awesome but I havent done it in over half a year (gym>drunkness). Ecstacy=bestdrugever, i would say I take it about once every 2-3 months at a major EDM concert...not at a house party. and tobacco is nasty, only take it once with ecstacy, helps boost the high

Tobacco as in cigarettes actually calm you down when your on a rush from E, so does a joint. And I agree, its the best rush I've had from a drug. Too much destroys your body so I wouldn't call it the "best drug ever". Take max 2x ur weight (KG) in MDMA(mg) in 2 months and ur fine.

2x my weight in mdma is fine??? wouldnt that kill me lmao

My weight = 75 kg, 150 mg would be recommended, = 1 strong pill. Current pills in the Netherlands are pretty strong compared to other countries, usually around 180-150 mg's. For the 1st time I'd take half a pill... Once you know what to expect you can take around 2.

Spittles (Old School)



well all we learn in health class is to not take drugs and all that crap so i havent taken any drugs

A drug, broadly speaking, is any substance that, when absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters normal bodily function.[3] There is no single, precise definition, as there are different meanings in drug control law, government regulations, medicine, and colloquial usage.[4]

In pharmacology, a drug is "a chemical substance used in the treatment, cure, prevention, or diagnosis of disease or used to otherwise enhance physical or mental well-being."[4] Drugs may be prescribed for a limited duration, or on a regular basis for chronic disorders.[5]

Recreational drugs are chemical substances that affect the central nervous system, such as opioids or hallucinogens.[5] They may be used for perceived beneficial effects on perception, consciousness, personality, and behavior.[5][6] Some drugs can cause addiction and/or habituation.[6]

Drugs are usually distinguished from endogenous biochemicals by being introduced from outside the organism.[citation needed] For example, insulin is a hormone that is synthesized in the body; it is called a hormone when it is synthesized by the pancreas inside the body, but if it is introduced into the body from outside, it is called a drug.[citation needed] Many natural substances, such as beers, wines, and psychoactive mushrooms, blur the line between food and recreational drugs, as when ingested they affect the functioning of both mind and body and some substances normally considered drugs such as DMT (Dimethyltryptamine) are actually produced by the human body in trace amounts.


I got high off fumes when i was twelve, does that count?

Gareth l Rare

I got high off fumes when i was twelve, does that count?

No but if you want to smoke come down to the endz and spark with me and joe.....

although he might get shook again...


No sniffing glue?

p.s. You stay classy, San Diego!


all yall pussiez talkin bout weed and shit, nigga i'm up on that molly tonight..

just got my gloves all set up, the hotel booked, and took care of picking up the drugs last night..

a ton of my homies are going to a rave tonight but i dont feel like dropping 95 bones on a concert when i can have even more fun for less than half the price..



v strange that you made this topic and i actually have the exact problem, excluding the pissing and bloody nose

when I smoke weed, my throat fucking burns and eyes go red, yet to get high from it o_O'

good read, could relate to 99%


You only need to keep the smoke in your lungs for 3 seconds, after that all the THC is out.


Weed isn't a drug. A drug is something you create in a lab,

nty my bodies a temple.

Drug is something which changed how you think/act/feel. Weed does that, anything that changes your emotions is bad, just like coffee , alcohol and weed.

Dan| High Rating

Never taken anything but alcohol.. can't help you with your weed troubles.


Weed isn't a drug. A drug is something you create in a lab,

nty my bodies a temple.

Drug is something which changed how you think/act/feel. Weed does that, anything that changes your emotions is bad, just like coffee , alcohol and weed.

Movies can make you cry/angry/happy....


You only need to keep the smoke in your lungs for 3 seconds, after that all the THC is out.

I thought it was 6 seconds.

I've only done a few drugs, weed is and always has been my favorite. I've never wanted to do any hard drugs, even if I wanted to I probably wouldn't, maybe I would, I don't fucking know because I don't want to. (:

Gareth l Rare

You only need to keep the smoke in your lungs for 3 seconds, after that all the THC is out.

I thought it was 6 seconds.

I've only done a few drugs, weed is and always has been my favorite. I've never wanted to do any hard drugs, even if I wanted to I probably wouldn't, maybe I would, I don't fucking know because I don't want to. (:

ive had times where im sick and i cant even fully inhale it, I literally just puff and exhale and i still get blasted

^depending on the stain that can work if its high grade but "most" highgrade "if you get in UK" is skunk

People flame weed because they say it makes you crazy, no ignorant weed has a "anti crazy" gene in it which is naturaly developed while growing through its mature stage, this gene counters the crazy side effect but skunk hardly has any. Thats why home grown is the best unless you no were your getting it from.

I would say if your sick then try not to smoke, although its proven that it does help with body infections/sore froats ect..

Stick to what you no and Snow, good lad. Ive been in the position to try so many harder drugs as majority of my m8s were and some still are dealers so i could get what and when, when ever....

Have a philosophy and stick to it. IMO, if it ant natural i ant on it.


and just when i thought i'd heard it all

You only need to keep the smoke in your lungs for 3 seconds, after that all the THC is out.

I thought it was 6 seconds.

I've only done a few drugs, weed is and always has been my favorite. I've never wanted to do any hard drugs, even if I wanted to I probably wouldn't, maybe I would, I don't fucking know because I don't want to. (:

ive had times where im sick and i cant even fully inhale it, I literally just puff and exhale and i still get blasted

^depending on the stain that can work if its high grade but "most" highgrade "if you get in UK" is skunk

People flame weed because they say it makes you crazy, no ignorant weed has a "anti crazy" gene in it which is naturaly developed while growing through its mature stage, this gene counters the crazy side effect but skunk hardly has any. Thats why home grown is the best unless you no were your getting it from.

I would say if your sick then try not to smoke, although its proven that it does help with body infections/sore froats ect..

Stick to what you no and Snow, good lad. Ive been in the position to try so many harder drugs as majority of my m8s were and some still are dealers so i could get what and when, when ever....

Have a philosophy and stick to it. IMO, if it ant natural i ant on it.




:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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