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How humans was born? Or how'd we evolve etc.?

I don't believe we come from monkeys or we evolve from them. I kind of believe we come from Adam & Eve and that's how we started this human population. My only concern is who made Adam & Eve?


What evidence do you base your belief of Adam and Eve upon?


I believe in it.


What evidence do you base your belief of Adam and Eve upon?

Stop trying to interrogate him, and let him have his view.

In my opinion, there is a very large amount of proof that variation did occur between species. However, I am yet to decide on whether the ultimate idea of evolution is a true. Even though it is extremely easy to believe in evolution, there are still many flaws in it, which are not being shown by all the stuff of the internet, like good ol' Dawkins.

I don't want to see this topic turn into a flame war, between believers and non-believers. to be honest, I think more on the FAITH than the actual proof. Take buddhists, for example. I asked a buddhist monk "How do you think the world began?" He replied, "Well I don't know, I wasn't there!" (This isn't taking the mick out of Buddhism, it is a legitimate point.)


I'm hardly interrogating him. We are constantly told that we have a right to our opinion. We don't. We have a right to the necessary information to form an opinion. I could go on a rant about the proof behind evolution; but the truth cannot be told, it can only be realized. By getting people to question their views, they can come to a more logical conclusion. Saying god created Adam and Eve is taking the easy way out.

My simple question was an attempt to avoid creating a conflict. You telling others what to do is the sort of stuff that causes flame wars.

On topic: I believe in evolution, as it has vast amounts of evidence backing it. There are still a few details being worked out, but it is no longer just a theory.


What evidence do you base your belief of Adam and Eve upon?

Stop trying to interrogate him, and let him have his view.
This is the debate forum, you are aloud to disagree. Else it wouldn't be a debate.
Murder He Wrote

Let's see, i would have to say I'm a supporter of the theory of Evolution big time.

there has been to much evidence to ignore about other species evolving as well as our selves to ignore it.

So i believe we are primates , which he are, and that we evolved from earlier primates, such as chimps, orangutans, etc.

As for the "Adam and Eve theory" or "view", is also something i enjoy talking about, although i do not denominate , myself with a religious title, i do support religion, even if i personally don't believe in it.

so here is some "facts" about Adam and Eve,

fact one.

Adam and Eve were created by god supposedly, but if so, then the way god depicted them is wrong..

explanation: Adam and Eve were depicted with navels (belly buttons), because navels are just accidental abnormalities from childbirth, but they were not born of childbirth???

fact two: Cain and Able were brothers, the kin of Adam and Eve. One Murdered the other, but when god created them, he said no harm would become of them as long as Adam and Eve didn't take the forbidden fruit? so why did he die?

Fact three: Lucifer was a serpent who talked Eve into taking the fruit. (Lucifer is Satan) but god didn't send Lucifer to hell until after this? because it was after he created earth, and Lucifer appeared on earth to talk to eve, in the first days, but this isn't possible because he was still an angel?

I'm a supporter of Evolution, but don't get me wrong I'm not trying to disprove a religion, just stating what i learned in World Religion 101.


Im not sure how much evidence there is to actually prove evolution. I know that incest is banned most countries for a reason.

"but don't get me wrong I'm not trying to disprove a religion"

Don't worry there's nothing to disprove.

Murder He Wrote

Connor, although i feel the same, i wouldn't say that, it can come off as a bit offensive.


There's so many different stories, It's hard to know what to believe and what not too believe but at the end of the day it's what you wanna belive in tbh.

I believe in it personally.


The story of Adam and Eve is full of sexual allegory. A serpent gives Eve fruit. Remind you of anything? This is what original sin is; sex. It does not mean we are born sinners, it means a sin was commited to create us. Religion is so easy to disect when you realize it was created by man to explain the unexplainable.

But this isn't a topic about religion, I don't mean to start any debates on that subject. Evolution has nothing to do with religion, let's try to focus on that.

Murder He Wrote

Your right, my bad

uhm evolution, yes, i believe we were evolved as well as other things, but i do not believe the theory that all the dinosaurs turned into birds, which is a popular one, because alligators and such are also prehistoric but not birds.

that theory is based on the fact, that the prehistoric life could not live because of the volcanic ash and smoke in the air, so they developed different organs/parts to be able to survive (flying)


What evidence do you base your belief of Adam and Eve upon?

Stop trying to interrogate him, and let him have his view.

In my opinion, there is a very large amount of proof that variation did occur between species. However, I am yet to decide on whether the ultimate idea of evolution is a true. Even though it is extremely easy to believe in evolution, there are still many flaws in it, which are not being shown by all the stuff of the internet, like good ol' Dawkins.

I don't want to see this topic turn into a flame war, between believers and non-believers. to be honest, I think more on the FAITH than the actual proof. Take buddhists, for example. I asked a buddhist monk "How do you think the world began?" He replied, "Well I don't know, I wasn't there!" (This isn't taking the mick out of Buddhism, it is a legitimate point.)

Don't mind you defending me, but it's really no point. This is a debate topic  ;)

Anyways, I did learned somethings about this a while ago, but I don't quite remember. I'm a christian, so I guess it kind of explains it?

Murder He Wrote

This topic isn't gonna go far :/


Yeah, I'm pretty sure evolution has been proven. We're monkeys people ;)

Murder He Wrote

yes, it has been proven.

there's no evidence that could be found to prove it any further.

if there was a video of a man evolving, people still wouldn't believe tbh.


I was born and raised a Roman-Catholic, and I strongly agree with the views of evolution regardless of what my religion has taught me to believe.


I beleive in God although when I go on to desperatly think about how we were born and we came to meet existance.  It's so hard to beleive in somethong so almighty. But, considering we can only go on what is past down, I beleive there is a God.

People who beleive in the Monkey theory, you have to think about who made the monkeys.

Perhaps we did evolve from Apes and such. But, either way I believe a certain someone created this all.


If one more person says god my head's gonna explode  :ph43r:

Murder He Wrote

yeh, stop bringing god into this, it's "EVOLUTION" debate not whether it happened, or if the "GOD" theory is right.


But God is the only factor which will make a contradicting view against Evolution, so let them say it


There is a smorgasbord of evidence for evolution. There is absolutely none for god. I don't care what your religious beliefs are, but you must not be blinded by them. If you wish to believe god created the universe, I really don't care. However, when there is undeniable evidence as to how our species came into existence, you cannot escape this reality by simply claiming god did it.

The evidence is there. Theoretically, you could come to a different logical conclusion given the evidence, but you cannot claim god created humans as they are today. The earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old, and humans have only surfaced recently. I can't believe that in this day and age of technology and information, people still blindly believe god did everything. That is the reasoning of cavemen. Religion was created to explain the unexplainable. As science progresses, far fewer things are left unexplained.

At one time it was believed illness was punishment for sin. People believed there was nothing you could do to save the sick, as it was god's will. When we actually started to study what caused illness, we could begin to create ways to cure it. If we stuck to the assumption that god did it, the human race would have gone extinct thousands of years ago. Acrediting everything to god accomplishes nothing. It is only through the careful observation of evidence that we can advance. Believing god created everything is not only wrong, but dangerous.

Murder He Wrote


your logic is undeniable, and you're awesome :)


I'm hardly interrogating him. We are constantly told that we have a right to our opinion. We don't. We have a right to the necessary information to form an opinion. I could go on a rant about the proof behind evolution; but the truth cannot be told, it can only be realized. By getting people to question their views, they can come to a more logical conclusion. Saying god created Adam and Eve is taking the easy way out.

My simple question was an attempt to avoid creating a conflict. You telling others what to do is the sort of stuff that causes flame wars.

On topic: I believe in evolution, as it has vast amounts of evidence backing it. There are still a few details being worked out, but it is no longer just a theory.

Actually we do have a right to our opinion, damn man how bad has that zeitgeist bullshit been effecting you?

Off topic: Btw most of the zeitgeist stuff is wrong, as right as and convincing as it might sound, no, most of it is wrong :).

On topic: Evolution doesnt interest me, I dont care what happened in the past, I care about what is coming next.

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