MikeQ Posted August 11, 2009 Author Posted August 11, 2009 To imply that some things are beyond science is silly. That is the equivalent of saying some things are supernatural, and therefore cannot be tested. Simply put, there is nothing supernatural. Even our thoughts and emotions exist on a physical level. I also find it odd that he refers to a certain "who" that is behind reality. I would ask what leads him to believe there is a being behind things, and if so, where did it come from.
karma pures Posted August 11, 2009 Posted August 11, 2009 To imply that some things are beyond science is silly. That is the equivalent of saying some things are supernatural, and therefore cannot be tested. Simply put, there is nothing supernatural. Even our thoughts and emotions exist on a physical level. I also find it odd that he refers to a certain "who" that is behind reality. I would ask what leads him to believe there is a being behind things, and if so, where did it come from. well well if you believe in god they u would also believe that he is all know all power ful and can do whatever he wants omething to be beyond science i wouldnt doubt that he could do it and yes i am a christian if you wanted to know :victory:
karma pures Posted August 11, 2009 Posted August 11, 2009 i base these beliefs on what others beileve and how i have seen how it has effected my life. :nice:
MikeQ Posted August 11, 2009 Author Posted August 11, 2009 i base these beliefs on what others beileveThat is my point. If you were born into an arabic family, you would be a muslim right now. Believing in something because your culture does does not give it any truth.and how i have seen how it has effected my lifeHow exactly has an all powerful being affected your life? Have you seen it?
karma pures Posted August 11, 2009 Posted August 11, 2009 actually if you want to know i just feel different since i have started believeing in god from how i used to be not giving a shit about it i just found it peaceful and nice to know that even though my dad left me when i was a kid i have a father that will always love me and thats why. ^_^
MikeQ Posted August 11, 2009 Author Posted August 11, 2009 So religion appeals to you because you're seeking comfort. I'm sorry that your dad left, but that doesn't make religion any more true. You're free to believe what you want, I'm just trying to get you to be honest with yourself.
Murder He Wrote Posted August 11, 2009 Posted August 11, 2009 Lol, tbh, most atheists once believed in "god" then later they moved on, because of a event in there life or some sort of Appiphany<---spelled it wrong. so don't say they are ignorant and never gave it a chance, your basing your opinion off of nothing except your own opinion, while mine is based on fact.
Nick. Posted August 11, 2009 Posted August 11, 2009 So religion appeals to you because you're seeking comfort. I'm sorry that your dad left, but that doesn't make religion any more true. You're free to believe what you want, I'm just trying to get you to be honest with yourself. You're a creep
MikeQ Posted August 11, 2009 Author Posted August 11, 2009 So religion appeals to you because you're seeking comfort. I'm sorry that your dad left, but that doesn't make religion any more true. You're free to believe what you want, I'm just trying to get you to be honest with yourself. You're a creep And you're an annoying kid that keeps quoting me and making random comments.
Nick. Posted August 11, 2009 Posted August 11, 2009 Seriously, do you live on this forum? I understand that you feel strongly about religion's negative influence on soceity, but please remember that we have different views about the beginning of the earth, and for many, there is no point trying to argue a different story. I am not a very strong believer, but I love being in a faith community, and that is why I think twice before I take the easy option to train my brain to not believe in God. I don't like the zeitgeist stuff, because it nearly makes you into an Atheist extremist. We will always be entitled to our own opinions, which is something people will have, regardless of the mountains of evidence for something else. I am going to stop posting on this topic now, so don't reply to this MikeQ
Murder He Wrote Posted August 11, 2009 Posted August 11, 2009 Nick STFU! nerd.. stop debating religion, mike especially, hasnt made any comments negating religion, this is about evolution, your very ignorant, to keep posting like you are. we are glad your not posting anymore? keep your promise?
HyPnO Posted August 12, 2009 Posted August 12, 2009 and that is why I think twice before I take the easy option to train my brain to not believe in God. You poor misguided boy. You think the Atheist is the one that is taking the easy route? Do you realize the amount of work I had to put in to breaking the clutches of Religion? Do you realize how hard it is to see clearly after years and years of brainwashing? Do you think the idea of a God would be relevent if Society didn't push it down into you? Do you think that a child would believe in a God if he never heard of such a thing? My family took me to the table as a child and began eating. But they weren't eating anything I could see. They were eating an invisible apple. They all took turns passing the invisible apple around, saying how delicious and tasty it was. "Mmm Kevin, here, take a bite of this delicious apple!". Do you realize what that does to a child? As an organism, the child has two options. Either: 1) He has lost his perception of reality. To an organism that means certain death. Perhaps the apple is real, and he's going to certainly die. It's either this, or his family is suffering from intense disillusions. 2) His family is lying to him. How mentally scarring is that for a child? They are intentionally pretending to see this apple to harm you. And to top it all off, they tell me this; "Kevin, only good boys see the apple. You're a good boy, right?" Can you not see how completely terrifying that is for the child? Can you not see what you had to go through, what children everywhere have to go through? regardless of the mountains of evidence Of course. You've been eating the apple for so long, mountains of evidence can't save you now.
MikeQ Posted August 12, 2009 Author Posted August 12, 2009 The apple thing is actually a very good analogy. I might have to borrow that one. As for Nick...you can't trash me in a post then tell me not to respond. It doesn't work that way. I understand that you feel strongly about religion's negative influence on soceity, but please remember that we have different views about the beginning of the earth, and for many, there is no point trying to argue a different story. I am not a very strong believer, but I love being in a faith community, and that is why I think twice before I take the easy option to train my brain to not believe in God.I am simply asking people who accredit things to god for some explanation as to why they believe that is the case. So far, nobody has given me an answer. They fall back on the whole faith thing, without realizing how meaningless it is. The easy option is doing what the majority of people do. In most cases, that is being a believer.I don't like the zeitgeist stuff, because it nearly makes you into an Atheist extremist. We will always be entitled to our own opinions, which is something people will have, regardless of the mountains of evidence for something else.Evidence is the only thing you can base logical views upon. You can believe what you want, but when you make your view public, you must be able to back it up. You do not have the right to tell others an invisible being created things without being able to provide some proof.
HyPnO Posted August 12, 2009 Posted August 12, 2009 Credit goes to Stephan Molyneux for the analogy. www.freedomainradio.com If you guys have a chance, listen to his podcasts.
MikeQ Posted August 12, 2009 Author Posted August 12, 2009 Ahh I'm actually not a fan of Molyneux. He went after zeitgeist from an academic economics standpoint without even understanding what zeitgeist is about. I haven't listened to him much though, so I may end up liking his views on other subjects. Can't expect to agree with him on everything I suppose.
HyPnO Posted August 12, 2009 Posted August 12, 2009 Lol, he compared it to Communism I expect? Because I can see that too D:
MikeQ Posted August 12, 2009 Author Posted August 12, 2009 No, he just went on a rant about it being retarded and showing a lack of knowledge about economics. He made some ludicrous statements, such as companies liking competition. Comparison to communism is the most common attack, which is ridiculous. I could write an essay about this, but I don't want to get too off topic. (even though this was originally an evolution topic, but we are now debating religion)
Nick. Posted August 12, 2009 Posted August 12, 2009 I don't understand why you guys gang up on me - I have said many times that my beliefs are not firm. I come from a non-religious family, and have conciously made the decision for myself. How dare you call me misguided. I have said that evolution is a good and very phesable theory, and I more or less believe in it.
MikeQ Posted August 12, 2009 Author Posted August 12, 2009 Yeah, it's not like you have flamed anybody. Why would other people flame you??!? There's no ganging up, people just don't agree with you.
Kyle|Lol The PK Posted August 12, 2009 Posted August 12, 2009 stop debating religion, mike especially, hasnt made any comments negating religion, this is about evolution, your very ignorant, How can you say that? That's almost all he's been doing lol. As for everything else, you are a creep, Mike. I'm glad the kid didn't listen to you. Let karma pures, and everyone else for that matter, believe what they want and not indirectly attack them and try to change who they are. You act like your shit's all correct and you've got everything straight. Well it's all still not proven. Sure there's evidence and that's what makes it easy for you to pick on guys who are religious in these debates. That and your "intelligent" ways to break them down. You're just one major discovery away from being wrong (or right, who the fuck knows? (or cares)) Commence flame war.
MikeQ Posted August 12, 2009 Author Posted August 12, 2009 This is a debate thread, if you are going to post an opinion, you must be able to back it up. You can't debate blind beliefs that you have, you can only use logical arguments. I'm glad the kid didn't listen to you. Let karma pures, and everyone else for that matter, believe what they want and not indirectly attack them and try to change who they are.Yeah, you're right. I have been the only one on the offensive, they haven't told me I was wrong. Take your personal biases elsewhere.You act like your shit's all correct and you've got everything straight. Well it's all still not proven. Sure there's evidence and that's what makes it easy for you to pick on guys who are religious in these debates. That and your "intelligent" ways to break them down. You're just one major discovery away from being wrong (or right, who the fuck knows? (or caresAnd now we're back to the "nothing is 100% proven" semantics debate. Gravity isn't proven either, but I can safely assume you believe it is indeed what keeps us on the earth. However, this doesn't conflict your religious beliefs, so you don't have a problem with it. If a major discovery was made that proved me wrong, I would accept that and move on. That's the difference between me and religious people. I've tried to avoid using personal attacks, but this is starting to get ridiculous.
Murder He Wrote Posted August 12, 2009 Posted August 12, 2009 being atheist, has nothing to do with it.....your ridiculous tbb..... atheism, is not related to this
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