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Kyle|Lol The PK

I never said I was religious. I'm not taking a stand for religion.

I just don't like the way you conduct things in here and thought I'd mention that.

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  • Murder He Wrote


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  • karma pures



How dare you call me misguided.

You mean the same way you told me I was taking a easy path, and you're the one that is taking the high road?


First of all i would like to say that whenever we talk about religion mike always has to prove us wrong so now i know u have no religon and are against it. Second Murder he wrote this has nothing to do with anything just wanted to say you look like a fag in those mirror pictures in another post just pointing it out. And finnaly if you guys wanna keep disagreeeing with us then go talk to a pastor and ask him some questions about your bull shit theories. Evolution i was once a monkey ooo aa ooa aoaooo ooo


And finnaly if you guys wanna keep disagreeeing with us then go talk to a pastor and ask him some questions about your bull shit theories. Evolution i was once a monkey ooo aa ooa aoaooo ooo

I would rather ask him some questions about his theory that an omniscient deity created the world in seven days.


First of all i would like to say that whenever we talk about religion mike always has to prove us wrong so now i know u have no religon and are against it.

Oh, you mean that thing where I use logic and reason rather than faith? I have asked for an explanation as to why you believe there is a god, and the only thing you can tell me is that you have faith.

And finnaly if you guys wanna keep disagreeeing with us then go talk to a pastor and ask him some questions about your bull shit theories. Evolution i was once a monkey ooo aa ooa aoaooo ooo

Why would you ask a pastor about evolution? I would much rather ask a biologist.

And since you mentioned bullshit...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeSSwKffj9o


Im not gonna lie but i really would like you guys to change. Plz go to a pastor dont ask him about evolution mike ask him about why he beileves mabye he can give you a better reason then i can im very sorry if i cant tell you everything about my religion but really give it a chance


You want me to give something a chance? I was raised in a hardcore catholic family. I was forced to go to church every week and sunday school after that. I know enough about religion to know that it has no relevance.

I would like you to look at the facts rather than following something because your parents told you to.


OOO u did that must be why you were a lonely kid and got forced to go to church there is logic to christianity but you just cant accept it all you talk about is your fact ooo theres no facts so i cant believe ooo no proof evolution their is so much proof  really really u have to be kidding me i have one question for you and your logic on evolution since we have evolved from monkeys into humans why hasnt there be more evolutoin why does it stop at humans oo their must be aliens too oo evolution and also why hasnt there been any cases of evolutoin frokm a monkey into a human now adays oooo i know cuz its fake  :p



I can't take you seriously enough to argue. I'm done here.



I can't take you seriously enough to argue. I'm done here.

I wouldnt be able to either cuz it wasnt serious cuz evolution is a joke it aint serious at least you understand  ^_^


Yes, it's obvious that you have extensively researched evolution, and then came to a logical conclusion concerning its credibility.  :sleep:

u did that must be why you were a lonely kid and got forced to go to church there is logic to christianity but you just cant accept it all you talk about is your fact

I don't see what being forced to go to church has to do with being lonely. I have asked you to logically explain your belief in christianity, and you have failed to do so. Please tell me what makes you believe.

i have one question for you and your logic on evolution since we have evolved from monkeys into humans why hasnt there be more evolutoin why does it stop at humans

We are still evolving, it never stopped. You won't see any noticable changes in your lifetime because changes take place over the course of millions of years.

their must be aliens too oo


evolution and also why hasnt there been any cases of evolutoin frokm a monkey into a human now adays oooo i know cuz its fake 

You have a fundamental misunderstanding of evolution, which makes me wonder how you can assert your beliefs with such confidence. Today's monkeys are just as evolved as we are. We simply share a common ancestor with them approximately 6 million years ago. Even if a species evolves into something similar to humans, it would take millions of years to happen.


haha i love the whole big bang shit its so funny god is quiet it would be for like a quiet creation  :victory:

And i really dont know how to persuade you u are way to smart and stubborn in all the threads we disagree we are different ppl o well have fun with your evolutoin thing and i hope one day u see the light  :nice:

Kyle|Lol The PK

C'mon Mike, isn't this why you - the almighty all knowing atheist zeitgeist master - made this topic? To disprove anyone who has faith and nothing to back up their arguments? Go ahead, continue tearing him apart. It's just so easy for you. Amirite?


Why do you feel the need to pop in and stir shit every couple posts?

I did not intend on debating religion, for there is already a thread titled "Does God Exist." It is impossible to argue with people who speak only in terms of faith and baseless assumptions.


C'mon Mike, isn't this why you - the almighty all knowing atheist zeitgeist master - made this topic? To disprove anyone who has faith and nothing to back up their arguments? Go ahead, continue tearing him apart. It's just so easy for you. Amirite?

HaHa i agree completely he is the almighty atheist master.


C'mon Mike, isn't this why you - the almighty all knowing atheist zeitgeist master - made this topic? To disprove anyone who has faith and nothing to back up their arguments? Go ahead, continue tearing him apart. It's just so easy for you. Amirite?

HaHa i agree completely he is the almighty atheist master.


How dare you call me misguided.

You mean the same way you told me I was taking a easy path, and you're the one that is taking the high road?

well, tbh it would be easier for us all to say there is no god and not fight about it.. :sleep:

IM not saying that i/we are taking a high road or even the right road, just the one that we believe in.

Murder He Wrote

I like how all the people who believe in god, have nothing smart to say, so they flame, and re post it....

ridiculous, if your gonna insult someone, be semi-smart about it, if your capable of that of course.

Kyle|Lol The PK

Dude your comments aren't even intelligent, you're just MikeQ's shadow.

He's like the only one who can actually bring up some sorts of evidence and sounds like he half way knows what he's talking about.

Murder He Wrote

not really, go read previous posts of mine...

i don't really believe what MikeQ does...

so nty.

Murder He Wrote

Btw Karma you are an idiot, even one of your Alleged "close" friends "Kar Ma Pures" agreed, that your ignorant...

although he said your pretty cool :)


Alright, i dont know all the scientific facts about evolution, and i'm a catholic, so i guess my opinion is biased but here it is.  I sort of believe in both evolution and the adam and eve story.  The bible states that God created everything in 6 days, and rests on the 7th (i think).  It nowhere states in the bible the amount of time a day is.  A day could be 24 hours, it could be 24 weeks, it could be 240 million years for all we know.  Therefore, isn't it possible that in that 6 day period that Adam and Eve could have evolved from monkeys?  Sounds kinda far fetched, but in the bible it is never ruled out (ATliest, i think, idk kno my scripture all that well).  This goes along with the creation of the world as well, because scientists say the world took billions of years to form, not 7 days, but then again, whos to say 'days' are only 24 hours.

Just my opinion, but hell what do any of us know :P

Murder He Wrote

Mikey, although i don't agree with you,

i like your look on it the best.

and support your opinion the most.


I like how all the people who believe in god, have nothing smart to say, so they flame, and re post it....

ridiculous, if your gonna insult someone, be semi-smart about it, if your capable of that of course.


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