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bare minimum fire cape reqs?

spiit n pk

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hey, just looking for a bare minimum for fire cape stats, im 1 def but ill soo be 82 magic and ive already gotten 44 pray for questing/fire cape.

i heard it can be done with 55 range but ill probably get alteast 70, i read the video guide thread but it didnt say anything about stats needed, only gear..


just got bored of finishing my last 58k curses (was at 82k at one point -.-)


70 range will make it much easier for you; there are no other requirements.

If you are good and get lucky, you can do it with 60ish range -.-.


uaex did it on like a lvl 40ish with an msb, im pretty sure u can do it with 70 range


If you're good at it, you can do it now. If not I'd get 70+ range before I did it.

Warn Fishers

my friend did it at 91range and he failed, so its just about you  i guess


It depends on the person, you could try it right now, but you should not be discouraged if you fail.

x redvsblue

rofl am i reading this right? u did 82k curses?

I'd say get 70+ but you can do at like 40 =P
hectic power

doesnt really matter what range lvl 70+ is best tho..

its bassically how lucky you are with the 360,180,90 spawns..(90s rape you cuz u need mage prayer for the 360s)


I'd go 70+, but thats just me.


alex knew what he was doing, f capes are harder for pures, but yeah just gogogogog give it ago and if u fail, you know what to do next time

Going Pking3

I'm 88 range, going to try it at 90 range and 82 mage. Could someone tell me how much it costs for an attempt at a fire cape?


I'm 88 range, going to try it at 90 range and 82 mage. Could someone tell me how much it costs for an attempt at a fire cape?

Depends what gear you use. Figure out what you can afford.


rofl am i reading this right? u did 82k curses?

only eneded up doing about 35k. im doing lost city now and im gonna alch at zanaris, costs about another 800k but oh well lol

Going Pking3

I'm 88 range, going to try it at 90 range and 82 mage. Could someone tell me how much it costs for an attempt at a fire cape?

Depends what gear you use. Figure out what you can afford.

I got 10m atm, and am going to have 15m by the time I attempt.. And that's in cash, got more in items.
watch me tb

i have 96 range 70 def ect.. i tryed it 3 times and didnt even make it to jad. it takes skill more than stats.

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