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HOw to Fix up my Pure


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So i have an Initiate pure

60 attack

80 str

74 rng

70 mgic

43 pryer

20 def

All pure quest done!

i was wondering bcuz ini pures at my level are not the best at Strength compared to others at their level. If i should get 70 attack and start to whip pk until 75... Any comments about my account will be gladly accepted. Do not be afraid to constructively criticize me on anything. Thank you.

watch me tb

stop spaming the forums with your bullshit.


lol i am getting so sick of these "need help" topics

but imo I would say make a new pure with 1 defence =]


Get 70 defense, ~WAALAA~.  Problem solved.


Yeah personally i would start over...

You shouldn't of gotten 20 def  (n)


Get 70 attack then 75 from pking like what you said


Start over 20 def ruined it


Stay 60 attack, and just keep getting str range and mage up, preferably str.

str pr4y ko

90 str then id say whip ur head off

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