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Hitting 0s With A GMaul Cost Me Torva


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I just uploaded this directly to Youtube. If you want to watch the whole fight feel free to do so. Otherwise, he skulls at 1:15 and I pull out GMaul go in for the fail spec at 1:55.


EDIT: Why don't I have climbers? BECAUSE THEY'RE A WASTE OF MONEY. If they gave a +crush bonus I would have brought them, even if it was just +1. +2 str means I hit like 10 higher lol.

Gareth l Rare

only stayed 4 music

Music was beast  :shifty:


Never gonna hit anything other than 0s with a gmaul on torva lol


u were never gonna hit on torva bro


what do you expect gmaul on torva?


He had around 500 hp when you specced. It's torva, would be your luck to kill him. It's not he's luck you done 0s.


Well obv ur not gona rambo a fucking 300-300+ on 1 of the best armours in the game


Well obv ur not gona rambo a fucking 300-300+ on 1 of the best armours in the game


Hitting 0s with a g maul cost you a g maul :(


he would have been the unlucky one if you hit anything with the g maul tbph

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