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RsBuddy & Jacmob Discussion


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lol rs is already ruined. TOO LATE JAGEX


nah im good my acc is maxed

only thing i regret not getting is halo ffs

same, no problem :kanye:

but fuarkk i only need 13k crims til 99 summoning :S


i need like 30k crims :( fml


Just wanted to add, Why are you flaming Jacmob? He got offered a job, ofc he's going to take it. Working a job & being paid for it ALONG with doing it at a young age opens all kinds of doors for you in the future so why would he sit home dealing with RsBuddy when that opportunity arises?. If you're mad about bots and claim you have a life and no time to train, quit.

you are a fucking legend. <3


Just wanted to add, Why are you flaming Jacmob? He got offered a job, ofc he's going to take it. Working a job & being paid for it ALONG with doing it at a young age opens all kinds of doors for you in the future so why would he sit home dealing with RsBuddy when that opportunity arises?. If you're mad about bots and claim you have a life and no time to train, quit.

Proof he got a job?


about time, damn botters


Foe used to be like 75% legit, and even the 25% who weren't just auto clicked for alching.  Now due to everyone crying over bots dying its showing now days to be like 90% bot 10% legit. :lol: 

People used to actually work hard over time for stats/achievements and were looked up to by others but o well guess that shits out the window inb4 just a game, skillings gay etc.  People will play legit if they want to play; if you quit cause bots are gonewell then clearly you aren't playing for 3/4 of the game content.

O you Runescape no one likes you enough to play you legit.


jagex loosing their irl bank loot tbh


Looks like I'm going to let my 3 maxed pures just sit idle as an investment ....

Haven't logged on in months, so here's the master plan.

> Sell 1-2 years later

> ?????

> PROFIT!???!!?


jagex loosing their irl bank loot tbh

except a lot of you are still playing.


Just wanted to add, Why are you flaming Jacmob? He got offered a job, ofc he's going to take it. Working a job & being paid for it ALONG with doing it at a young age opens all kinds of doors for you in the future so why would he sit home dealing with RsBuddy when that opportunity arises?. If you're mad about bots and claim you have a life and no time to train, quit.

Proof he got a job?

I have my ways of speaking to people.


Just wanted to add, Why are you flaming Jacmob? He got offered a job, ofc he's going to take it. Working a job & being paid for it ALONG with doing it at a young age opens all kinds of doors for you in the future so why would he sit home dealing with RsBuddy when that opportunity arises?. If you're mad about bots and claim you have a life and no time to train, quit.

Proof he got a job?

I have my ways of speaking to people.

fucking caffrey irl


gf rs im leaving and so will half of foe


on ur own go on


gf rs im leaving and so will half of foe


on ur own go on



he wouldve been a retard if he would have REJECTED the offer. u arnt succesful in life if u turn down the chances u are given, pointless to flame someone for doing the right choice for himself. i wouldnt have given a fuck about botting if i was in his shoes lol


he wouldve been a retard if he would have REJECTED the offer. u arnt succesful in life if u turn down the chances u are given, pointless to flame someone for doing the right choice for himself. i wouldnt have given a fuck about botting if i was in his shoes lol


lazy mother fuckers are raging and its quite amusing

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