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Dominion Tower Goliath Gloves

Gareth l Rare

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Gareth l Rare

Now from the new Dominion tower, you can get these gloves and as people have said they are quite alright although im not sure if pures can get them or how it would work in the pure community?

Pures can not get these as you need to have killed-

   Nomad, from Nomad's Requiem

   Ayuni, Leeuni, and Eruni from Do No Evil

   Two Dagannoth Sentinels from Blood Runs Deep

   The Untouchable from Dream Mentor

   Balance elemental from While Guthix Sleeps

   Ice Demon from Temple at Senntisten

What do these gloves do?

These gloves are especially unique in that they provide several combat bonuses when players are NOT wielding a weapon; however, the gloves do permit the use of an offhand item, such as a Dragon Defender or Dragonfire Shield and still retaining the bonuses. While 'unarmed' the gloves provide a substantial boost to a players damage. The highest known hit is 740, in castle wars. The gloves also increase the speed of a players attack to 6 tics, the same as an Abyssal Whip or Chaotic Rapier.


Goliath gloves are a set of degradable gloves that require 80 attack to wear and were released with the Dominion Tower on November 1 2011. These gloves are amongst the most powerful gloves in the game for melee, surpassing the barrows gloves obtained from Recipe for Disaster by two attack points in every attack style except ranged and magic, for a total of 14, as well as one more strength point for a total of 13. On top of this, they also beat the Dragon Gauntlets obtained from Fist of Guthix in defensive boost on all stats except Summoning and Ranged Defense.

Here is a main pk vid, as you can see because of max'd deffence from some pkr's you dont hit well but they do have a nice special attack.


Now ive only played for like 40mins in last 3days pking so i have no clue what this Dominion Tower is or what you do there.

Nether the less, what are you thoughts on these new gloves?

Will post rewards in this 1st post with info as i find out more.

Reserved -

PS check out that sexy post count :shifty: Cal youjelly  <3


they look shit in pvp

they look ace aesthetically


The bonus is good, but I would honestly only get the gloves for the aesthetic look when wearing.


aesthetic? u dnt even go gym idiots.


aesthetic? u dnt even go gym idiots.

ye but when scape is a big enough part of ur life u can use it to replace something u miss out irl

gj u hit the nail on their scrawny mess heads


yep good gloves. better than barrows. i can't get. gg.


cool gloves but fighting with it lmfao its only the veng hitting

Gareth l Rare

cool gloves but fighting with it lmfao its only the veng hitting

In this vid mostly it is the venge but remmember these are max'd accounts

99 deff + SS and deffence prayer so hardly hit when whipping anyway

Now ive seen level 106's TDS which means that there may be people with 70-80 deffence who are able to get these gloves?

correct me if im wrong

but if someone could complete this at 70deff 99 str SS then would be much more constant hits against people.

Nether the less we will have to wait to see if someone brings out a mid level pk vid


bad gloveS!!! i seeee

  • 2 weeks later...

might try out dominion tower, looks quite fun


aesthetic? u dnt even go gym idiots.

He juz wuna feet in u no

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