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Hello everyone, the bases of this post is to talk about & explain personal opinions on the plant (drug) marijuana. Otherwise known as Weed. There are many types of weed, such as: Hydro, Dank, & Swag. I'm not here to explain everything about the drug, although if you have any questions i'll anwser them.


Q & A

As soon as I get questions i'll put it up.

Keep it clean son.


Never tried it. Never will.


Keep it clean



I  <3 Weed

Lol... So do I.

I think it should be legal. Not only for the fact that i love it along with a billion other people out there. But, it would help our economy SO much..


its good stuff, lol, well what i mean is its not only fun but it helps with other addictions which are much worse; like other drugs cigarettes, etc. Also its much less bad for you then alcohol. 


ooh and paranoid FF7-14 ftw ;) looking forward to 13 kinda for 14.


its good stuff, lol, well what i mean is its not only fun but it helps with other addictions which are much worse; like other drugs cigarettes, etc. Also its much less bad for you then alcohol. 

Very true.It does infact help rid of other addictions, Nicotine also boosts your high. ^.^

PS: For future refrences don't double-post.


I wrote a fucking essay on old forums about the benefits of it and shit.

If you think marijuana is a drug you're a fucking moron. It's a herb, and has no addictive properties (chemically). Alcohol/tobacco is a lot worse yet that shit is legal.

Shows what kinda fucked up world we live in.

Good night


I wrote a fucking essay on old forums about the benefits of it and shit.

If you think marijuana is a drug you're a fucking moron. It's a herb, and has no addictive properties (chemically). Alcohol/tobacco is a lot worse yet that shit is legal.

Shows what kinda fucked up world we live in.

Good night

I love you.


Whether you take it or not, Cannabis IS a drug


Whether you take it or not, Cannabis IS a drug

Wtf is Cannabis?

That has nothing to do with this..


I wrote a fucking essay on old forums about the benefits of it and shit.

If you think marijuana is a drug you're a fucking moron. It's a herb, and has no addictive properties (chemically). Alcohol/tobacco is a lot worse yet that shit is legal.

Shows what kinda fucked up world we live in.

Good night

Murder He Wrote

I have smoked weed since i was 13, quit when i was 16.

i loved it, i still don't think it's bad, i quit it because i was simply bored of it.

i think it should stay illegal, most "potheads" say legalise it..

it'd be the worst thing ever for smokers...prices would raise so high, and thered be so much tax, it wouldnt even be worth it...

also compared to how easy it is to get nowadays whats the point..most people who say legalise are very ignorant to what it would do.

i think the medical benifits are great, and it should be distributed in that way. i also think if people want to smoke it, they should.

but legalising it, would ruin it.


Wtf is Cannabis?

That has nothing to do with this..

lol, cannabis = marijuana. Couldn't help but laugh at that one.


That's an interesting link to check out. Legalizing drugs has been shown to lessen drug abuse, as well as make it more likely that addicts will seek help.

Laws are created to deal with problems that people don't know how to solve. I don't support drug use, but making it illegal only creates black markets that are more dangerous than the drugs themselves. Prevention through education is much more effective.

Murder He Wrote

haha Vindict, gtfo this thread.


haha Vindict, gtfo this thread.

Shutup bitch.

I started this thread.

I just don't know everything about "cannabis".

Murder He Wrote

haha, don't flame me because of your  ignorance, don't start a debate thread if your unarmed, you miserable child.


Weed, Never tried it Dont plan on trying it


All my friends have it, so it is a bit awkward when they offer me some. It's just going to be my principals, that I won't ever try it, along with other illegal drugs.


I have smoked weed since i was 13, quit when i was 16.

i loved it, i still don't think it's bad, i quit it because i was simply bored of it.

i think it should stay illegal, most "potheads" say legalise it..

it'd be the worst thing ever for smokers...prices would raise so high, and thered be so much tax, it wouldnt even be worth it...

also compared to how easy it is to get nowadays whats the point..most people who say legalise are very ignorant to what it would do.

i think the medical benifits are great, and it should be distributed in that way. i also think if people want to smoke it, they should.

but legalising it, would ruin it.

Have you seen coffee shops in the Netherlands? The sizes are great, variety is just as good. If there's a market for it then there's going to be more than one company involved, there would be competition, making the prices fair.


haha, don't flame me because of your  ignorance, don't start a debate thread if your unarmed, you miserable child.

End of discussion.

I'm not going to argue with you buddy.

Murder He Wrote

Just because you made the thread, doesn't mean anything buddy.

your wrong? how are you gonna answer all questions, if you don't know the basic knowledge of marijuana?

and also it'd be alot different here then in the netherlands.. they don't tax there marijuana, and it's been legal there for ages...it's nothing new

out gov. is far more greedy and with take advantage of it.


Just because you made the thread, doesn't mean anything buddy.

your wrong? how are you gonna answer all questions, if you don't know the basic knowledge of marijuana?

and also it'd be alot different here then in the netherlands.. they don't tax there marijuana, and it's been legal there for ages...it's nothing new

out gov. is far more greedy and with take advantage of it.

Dude its a debate thread chill out why in every single thread i see you post on you talkin shit to other people does it make you feel powerful cuz in really life you probably wouldnt state your opinion cuz you would get your ass kicked but talk big over the internet kid you are safe on your computer.

And dont mock vindictivve by saying buddy u arnt cool

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