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but my momii said drugs kill people :(

  • 8 months later...

People might think that legalising weed , therefore selling it will improve our economy but what if the bank mangers and the politicians are so high on weed there spending our money on rubbish.

  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I think its okay, but I myself won't be trying it.

Posted (edited)

I think as long as you aren't hurting anyone in the process of hurting yourself, then no one should judge you to be honest, but then comes another argument. The usual argument that goes a long with what I just stated, is family. When you hurt yourself, even though weed isn't that bad of a drug, it could be argued that it is hurting your loved ones. In many cases people don't like to watch their family do things that we are taught is bad. So therefore, they react by over reacting, which in result actually causes more stress for the person doing something less harmful than most think (weed). Which could possibly cause them to smoke more, and be rebellious, because the feeling of being controlled by another person is suffocating.

Edited by DominatusTM
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

It's a drug, can fuck you up if you abuse it. Should be legalized and taught about. Just like mushrooms and any other psychoactive substance

Edited by Chlue

smoking kills

I see what you did there :P

OT - My experience was a friend bought some and told me it was the best thing ever, so much better than alcohol ect..

We had about half of a fag each, mostly tobacco idk if that was why? But I didn't really feel much of an effect other than being tired/relaxed. It was my first time smoking anything so just the smoking made me feel sick and not want to do it again.

I did it a few more times after that and mixed with drinking before a night out and stuff also but still didn't really feel much. Its stupidly expensive and I wouldn't recommend it.


too expensive here and not healthy

  • 2 weeks later...

Weed is the future!


Weed is evil and should be destroyed


legalize all drugs


i mean why not, up to the individual what they put in their bodies


Smoke it because it helps me to relax idgaf what anyone else thinks.


Smoke it because it helps me to relax idgaf what anyone else thinks.

don't you know you're poisoning your soul? you need to make a drastic change in your lifestyle or god will not forgive! 


Smoke it because it helps me to relax idgaf what anyone else thinks.

R 4 P 1 D Z

Whichever way you look at it, no deaths have directly resulted from cannabis use. Cannabis and the chemicals contained withing it are non-addictive and are realistically impossible to overdose on. 

Many believe that like tobacco smoke, cannabis smoke has the potential to cause lung problems and even lung cancer, but this is simply incorrect. Cannabis smoke is non cancerous, and many new studies have found that it actually has the potential to stop cancer and tumor growth!





keeps me hungry, happy, sleepy aint no government gonna tell me theres something wrong with that...

it grows naturally from the ground in places like africa.. thats like calling an evergreen tree a drug because it makes you hungry happy sleepy.. nothing like this mcat, heroin and cocaine shit all chopped n screwed mixed with 500x types of substances 


another reason i use it is for creativity, helps break into channels and perspectives you would not usually look in, makes you look at things from a different angle and find new ways to solve problems



aint nothin wrong wid the herb


spoken like a true stoner

  • 3 weeks later...

Its nice for a change of pace on the odd occasion but wouldn't do it regularly. It will never get legalized (at least not in our generation), I'm from Australia and there really not much talk of that happening here. From what I understand in America there is a bit of talk about it but I really don't think it will ever be fully legalized because of the negatives it comes with and all the conservative people around. In my opinion it is no worse than alcohol.


Its nice for a change of pace on the odd occasion but wouldn't do it regularly. It will never get legalized (at least not in our generation), I'm from Australia and there really not much talk of that happening here. From what I understand in America there is a bit of talk about it but I really don't think it will ever be fully legalized because of the negatives it comes with and all the conservative people around. In my opinion it is no worse than alcohol.

It's legal in Colorado, USA I believe.

FearMy Def

i did it for the first time got high off 1 cone, felt good and weird at the same time


would not do it regularly tho

  • 3 weeks later...

Never tried it. Never will.



Whichever way you look at it, no deaths have directly resulted from cannabis use. Cannabis and the chemicals contained withing it are non-addictive and are realistically impossible to overdose on. 

Many believe that like tobacco smoke, cannabis smoke has the potential to cause lung problems and even lung cancer, but this is simply incorrect. Cannabis smoke is non cancerous, and many new studies have found that it actually has the potential to stop cancer and tumor growth!





keeps me hungry, happy, sleepy aint no government gonna tell me theres something wrong with that...

it grows naturally from the ground in places like africa.. thats like calling an evergreen tree a drug because it makes you hungry happy sleepy.. nothing like this mcat, heroin and cocaine shit all chopped n screwed mixed with 500x types of substances 


another reason i use it is for creativity, helps break into channels and perspectives you would not usually look in, makes you look at things from a different angle and find new ways to solve problems



aint nothin wrong wid the herb

 i luv u bro <3



Its nice for a change of pace on the odd occasion but wouldn't do it regularly. It will never get legalized (at least not in our generation), I'm from Australia and there really not much talk of that happening here. From what I understand in America there is a bit of talk about it but I really don't think it will ever be fully legalized because of the negatives it comes with and all the conservative people around. In my opinion it is no worse than alcohol.

It's legal in Colorado, USA I believe.


yeah its actually legal in a few places in the states and the world mb. What I mean is, your never going to be aloud to have a plantation in your back yard, buy it like you do with tobacco at a petrol station or smoke it outside your local police station but hey can probs already do the last one and get away with it in some places so I could be wrong.

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