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It's business and it's pleasure. Just in my lifetime there's been a widespread change in public opinion on it.. People were fairly ignorant in the beginning, and to be fair a lot still are. That being said, with legalization in Washington and Colorado, and decriminalization in another 15 states, including the two where I reside, people are a lot less close-minded about it. I think having your own opinion is important, and each individual can make the choice for themselves. Those who say "it's bad for you", or "smoking kills" or "drugs are bad, hmkay?!" without doing any research of their own just comes off ignorant and condescending and reflects quite poorly on the individual. Just google "hash oil & cancer" and the first 5 pages of results are scattered authentic and inauthentic results of the cancer-inhibiting properties that narrow-minded people love to ignore. The only true downside is the tar you ingest for emphysema reasons, but if you smoke hash oil or "dabs" you are literally ingesting nothing besides THC which, through it's chemical properties, kills cancerous cells. In short, if you do it the right way, it is healthy for you. Knowledge should trump stigma every time, and people should take it upon themselves to learn about an issue prior to deciding their opinion on the matter. 

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I would smoke it so much more often if I wasn't so paranoid about getting caught. In Finland it's an automatic arrest if caught with possession.

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