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1-79 summoning.

Btw Ima Cow

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I saw this vid on youtube, and will probably do this


But anyhow, just out of intrest how many charms would I need averagly from 1-79? One guide says almost 9k crimsons one says 3k. So I have no idea of how much I will need.

Thanks :)


The bigger question is why you have 13 years olds dancing in your avatar.


Try answering the question instead of making your own.

Gareth l Rare

Problem is that its in wildy, so people are now goign to camp there

>EG have a level 3 sit there (friend or you) or even lil level 30 acc with 43 prayer run in on diff worlds

>when you see someone your level go in to main/pure

>telly block + friend barrage

They have to pray mellee from monsters so 1 ranges and 1 mages = have fun with free loot.

Its a nice place to train but odds of being pk'd are too high and as a skiller training in wildy you have no way to deffend yourself against pkers.


Well I tried it out and in 25 mins I got 30 crimsons 15 green 15 gold and 5 blue. Which is ok but I used 1500c balls and if I relly concentrate I could easily use 5k c balls an hour which if I am spending that much money I might aswell burst rock lobs. Has any one got a decent guide I could follow? :)


Thanks a bunch! Checking the guide now <3


its like 7k crims


i did 1-25/35 whit penguins and exp lamps. the rest waterfiends  :wow: so like 6k crim


i'm looking to get summ too so i'll check back on this thread every now and then


Try answering the question instead of making your own.

fucking pig



The bigger question is why you have 13 years olds dancing in your avatar.

Their like 14-15

They dance pretty good =]

I just got 79 summoning i spent 3k crimsons from lvl 68 - 79. ( 5k crims ).



i am a newb in summoning :D :D


Level: 4-10  Monster: Dreadwolf      Amount: 95      Charm: Gold

Level: 10-13  Monster: Spirit Spider  Amount: 54      Charm: Gold

Level: 13-17  Monster: Thorny Snail  Amount: 98      Charm: Gold

Level: 17-40  Monster: Mosquito      Amount: 734      Charm: Gold

Level: 40-41  Monster: Bull Ant      Amount: 55      Charm: Green 

Level: 41-43  Monster: Macaw      Amount: 127      Charm: Green

Level: 43-47    Monster: Spirit Cockatrice  Amount: 330      Charm: Green

Level: 47-49    Monster: Pyrelord      Amount: 82      Charm: Crimson

Level: 49-61  Monster: Bloated Leech  Amount: 979      Charm: Crimson 

Level: 61-64  Monster: Smoke Devil  Amount: 391      Charm: Crimson

Level: 64-72  Monster: Stranger Plants  Amount: 1749      Charm: Crimson

Level: 72-74  Monster: Phoenix      Amount: 653      Charm: Crimson

Level 74-79    Monster: Granite Lobster  Amount: 2158      Charm: Crimson

Total use of charms:

Gold Charms: You will use 981 Gold charms

Green Charms: You will use 512 Gold charms

Crimson Charms:

Levels 47-70: You will use 2627 Crimson charms

Levels 47-80: You will use 6012 Crimson charms



5k Crimsons for 1-79 but you need to get urself abit of xp with gold charms etc to put those crimsons in good use.


Alright, thanks everyone :}


if u got dung then use dung spot for greaters


not sure m8 ... :/


waterfiends or burst / barrage @ rock lobs lol. Not sure how many charms u actually need. Probably around 5-6k


nice defeaten, id suggest ranging/godsword/ss/chaotic mauling waterfiends to get the charms or black deamons

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