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A few intresting upcoming updates.


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Taken from the Rs Q&A.


6) Pur35 Ownage asks;

Would there ever be a console version on RuneScape like for xbox360 + PS3, i think that they would be a great success if you could get the controls right, but they would have to speak not type which is much better.

Yes, indeed, we are looking at all the consoles at the moment and deciding which one or two are best for our community.

5) Taco 50 asks;

In one of the previous Q&A threads, "noob-free" worlds were mentioned, for players with a certain amount of total experience. These seem to be taking a while, have they been cancelled?

Yes, this is still a project we are working on and the project has not been cancelled, we just have a load of other big projects going on at once.

13) J 36 asks;

I have seen many people ask about a film or cartoon version of RuneScape but not seen any answers, is this something that you have thought of.

Yes, indeed, we are talking to a number of people about doing a film of some of our games. I expect this would be a full feature film rather than some sort of cartoon.

^ Oh no...

26) Hellroses333 asks;

Now that you have upgraded your bot detection systems, is there any possibility of free trade returning to RuneScape?

I'm tired of using junk to trade occasionally when buying or selling something - it seems completely idiotic to me: you're basically giving someone a rising item and some junk that won't sell in the GE, but essentially you're getting the item for midprice anyways, so the buyer always ends up with profit.

If you will not be planning to return free trade, then is there a possibility that you may try returning free trade for a minimum of one week, just to see how it goes? Obviously it would take months of testing to witness the true number of gold-farmers you would be dealing with again, but hopefully your macro-detection systems would catch them before they did any real damage to the RS economy or your company again.

Our ability to detect all botting is not really related to free trade. We are looking at improving the trade system, and we may consider relaxing our trade limits a little more in the future, but this is still under discussion at the moment.

^ Possibility for trades to come back?

29) Timmy7072 asks;

I hear rumours of a "Name Changing System" can this be confirmed? If so, how would such a system work?

Yes, we are planning to release a new display name system shortly. This will essentially allow you to change your in-game display name to be different from your login name.

^ Name changing!

I think the "noob-free" worlds would be good depending on the total level req and the Runescape on a console sounds like it would be really hard to play.. What do you all think? Sorry if it's wrong section.

watch me tb

a rs movie... lame.



Going Pking3

RS on a console.. That's something to lol about.

The new worlds sounds pretty cool...

And I want that trade limit taken away..


My lord... A RS movie?

And RS on a console would just suck (n)


Possible runescape movie ideas:

Sefket and the evil mummy

Sefket and the evil Norys

Toxic Slay and the blasian invasion

Honestly expanding the game to console, movie, book or other forms is stupid. I like the GAME related updates :)


I just want free trade back. All the other updates wouldn't effect me too much


Possible runescape movie ideas:

Sefket and the evil mummy

Sefket and the evil Norys

Toxic Slay and the blasian invasion

Honestly expanding the game to console, movie, book or other forms is stupid. I like the GAME related updates :)



The rs movie rumor was from a long time ago.. i think they alrdy making it btw.


everyone wants trades back. RS movie would be kinda sad tbh.


lol at the movie

but I wish the would remove or atleast loosen the trade limit.


name changing in game? wtf...srsly..


Trade limit is the only thing that I wish they would remove or relax, apart from that the rest is lol


I think a ps3 game of rs would be quality lol, and lol at the noob-free worlds that made me laugh, but a film n shit.. ugh bit far


lol console? um, no.

Name-changing... too much confusion. Only reason they are bringing this is because of the mains who whine over their name they chosen when they was 'younger'. I hope Jagex thinks twice about this. Trade limit..anything that's willing to let me trade at least 200k an hour is fine :D


If the trade limit thing is true, im gnna start training up my staker :)


Going to cinema to see runescape? nty ill wait til its on dvd, and i probs wouldnt change my name and the trade limit back would be pretty good :P

  • 3 weeks later...

come back free trade :(!!


Hmmm, most of this sounds intresting though a cartoon wont go very well rofl


reading some of these..im actually quite excited for some future updates :)


name changing and trade limit is what i'm looking for.

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