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A couple quick questions

karma pures

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karma pures

1. I am going to do dt so my prayer will get up to 11 i was wondering if it would be better to get to 13 prayer or just do restless ghost and get to 15 i think thats what it will be to get avas accumilator (i cant spell). so pretty much should i got for 11 prayer 13 or 15? or should i get higher prayer i kinda want it low but if you guys have a good reason i will get up.

2. So right now i have 40 atk 70 str and am getting 71 range and 70 mage i was wondering should i go for 50 atk to range and then g maul or should i go for the 60 atk. (i know u get this question alot and im sorry i just would like some facts or personal preferences of what to do)

3. Also what should my range and str be if i have 82 mage for blitz if i dont want to get higher combat from the mage? (sorry if this is a dumb question it probably is)

4. (Not a question) Thanks for all the help i appreciate it alot  ^_^


1. u cant spell

2. we get that question a lot

3. dumb question

4. not a question

karma pures

1. u cant spell

2. we get that question a lot

3. dumb question

4. not a question

u was very helpful saying everything i put in ( brackets ) thanks  :huh:

karma pures

also im not sure about 44 prayer cuz it seems like it will raise my combat up alot...


get accumulator, get dt done, stay 50 attack until you get bored, move onto 60 after..use a combat calculator to find out what you need to get before you level or w/e you want.


44 Prayer helps a lot. I used to think the way you did.

karma pures

that sounds like a good plan 6 9i thanks


1. Ava's accumulator isn't vital but it obviously stops you having to pick up your arrows during a fight.

44 prayer is a essential, especially if your eventually going to join a clan, as you will get dropped too easily and DT will be significantly easier.

2. As 69i said stay 50 attack untill you get bored

3. Use a Combat Calc

karma pures

lets just say in 1v1 what is better prayer not in clan fights?


1. u cant spell

2. we get that question a lot

3. dumb question

4. not a question



I like low prayer cos it means my cb stats can be alot better for my cb lvl and accumulator doesnt help that much as with foe im guna be wearing cape  anyways and its not hard to pick up ammo in a 1v1

karma pures

I like low prayer cos it means my cb stats can be alot better for my cb lvl and accumulator doesnt help that much as with foe im guna be wearing cape  anyways and its not hard to pick up ammo in a 1v1

but does 13 to 15 prayer even lvl your combat? cuz if it doesnt they why not just get 15?

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