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just got Hacked


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I am not saying its foes fault or anything. I take most of the blame. while i was logging in i accidently typed in my user and pass into the Chat. I sent in an appeal and i was told to screen the Ip address just incase. So my question is to who do i give the ip address to?


Ah really sorry to hear you got hacked mate. Send the IP to one of the Op's in IRC and ask them to check if it matches to an IP on the site. Goodluck getting your account back.


yea do whatat mew said, lets hope nothing has happened to your acc :\


lol not really hacked

Spittles (Old School)

Good luck on finding who the prick of the day is broski. Hope you still got same stats and items.


I did that one time, didn't get hacked though changed pass in time.  :shifty:


Oh and give the ip to one of the foe leaders and ask them to match it up so you can see if a foe member did it.


i hope u get back ur acc dude..


Sorry to hear , happened to me also , I just spammed the fuck out of the channel so no1 would see it lol  ;o


If you can fuck up that bad then you deserve it


I hacked some level 62 who typed his password in #rs before. Was a pretty fun drop party.


Ye just give it to an Admin on this site and they can see if the guy is registered on our forums.

Richard (Jub)

Wasnt me.

Shame good luck getting it back.  :unsure2:


What Nory said. Next time please be be careful.


pretty much what slee said.

there's a good chance it wasnt someone in foe tho.. look at all the people in there who arent foe


Sorry 2 hear that mate its shit when it happens, pretty sad that someone would do it, i hope u get it back


did ultra just say it was him?


lol why are ppl giving their passwords on irc?

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