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Who would win?

karma pures

In a fight who would win if they were the same comat lvl but 1 had 44 prayer and the other had 1 prayer?  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. In a fight who would win if they were the same comat lvl but 1 had 44 prayer and the other had 1 prayer?

    • 1 prayer
    • 44 prayer

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karma pures

I hope this is a good poll/question


Neither are going to automatically win...


Lots of variables to consider such as luck, stats, honor etc..

karma pures

dude it aint that hard they are the same combat lvl they both have 1 def and the one without pryare must have higher range and str but the 44 pryer has the prayer bonus.


Neither are going to automatically win...

It isn't that hard to read. Neither have an automatic win, dumb question.


Be better if you put more scenarios in it, hard too say..

karma pures

it doesnt really need a scenario im just asking in a fight just say they are both hybrids. who would win if they were both lvl 70 combat 1 prayer or 44 i really am sorry if this dont make sense but it makes perfect sense to me


the person who gets a lucky d bolt spec will win


the 1 with 44 prayer can use eagle eye and what ever the strength one is. so they can hit 15% higher than the person with 1 prayer.

so theoretically, 44 prayer would have a better chance of winning if they had the same stats and gear.

karma pures

k just makin sure so pking is all about luck and u guys have no skil ok just wanted to know. So what u guys are saying is it dont matter if u have 10 lvls high str and range then someone if they have prayer and it all about luck no skill is involved

karma pures

ty kjm thats all i was asking ty ty ty


Theres alot of factors, such as comboing, higher hits, better gear, etc.

but the only difference is 44 pray has the bonus and DT on its side, 1 def cant boost anything or do dt

watch me tb

k just makin sure so pking is all about luck and u guys have no skil ok just wanted to know. So what u guys are saying is it dont matter if u have 10 lvls high str and range then someone if they have prayer and it all about luck no skill is involved

you are a fucking retard. of course it takes skill.. nice double post btw.


Well can the 44 pray use overheads? Big factor there.

But overall I would have to say 44 pray in a hybrid fight, they have ancients, most likely a good range stat, and even though its a lower strength, can still be used with good results.

Overall ancients is the key factor in my opinion.


Be more specific, plane and simple. 


my account


(O_COMBO__O): Attack 60 | Strength 76 | Hitpoints 79 | Ranged 90 | Magic 85 | Agility 54

64 combat 1 prayer

compare that with any other 64


if it's a dm and 44 prayer runs out of pray, 1 pray win..


I see the kid with prayer winning, 15%'s ftw


Someone has  done the extremely wierd and complicated math before, i have read it...the person with the prayer would win with the bonuses. I know this for a fact.

i use titans

i am assuming the one with 44 prayer is lower strength than the 1 prayer one so the 1 prayer one will hit higher with melee


44 prayer even w/o over heads prayer boosts help alot


If say they are both range based and maxed for the combats 44 will win. back when the ranging prayers were just introduced i got 44 prayer 80 ranged and i could beat people my combat ( such as mug shot :P ) pretty easily because the hits were more consistant and i hit higher. I honestly prefer 1 though, knowing that you are less reliant on pots :)

karma pures

ok just wondering lets just say the 1 prayer went up to 11 so he could do dt would the outcome be the same?

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