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Who would win?

karma pures

In a fight who would win if they were the same comat lvl but 1 had 44 prayer and the other had 1 prayer?  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. In a fight who would win if they were the same comat lvl but 1 had 44 prayer and the other had 1 prayer?

    • 1 prayer
    • 44 prayer

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Not really a proper question lol say some stats or somethin?

Iz Ahrim Iz

Sorry but there are so many factors influencing this.

In an Edge fight with overheads off and hybridding, most likely the 11 pray pure would win. An 11 prayer pure hits the same with range and 1 less with strength than the 44 even with his 15%'s on. Assuming the 45 prayer pure can hybrid perfectly and switch prays only exactly when he switches his combat style, the 11 prayer pure still has much more HP (usually 4-6 levels higher) as well as being able to cast much higher ancient mage spells because Mystic Might gives no influence on your actual mage level.

At drags, its an entirely different story, as with multi. In these two scenarios the 45 pray pure gets the obvious bonus of overheads, which if used correctly, should be easily able to defeat an 11 pray pure of the same combat.

karma pures

ty that actually helpd me out alot

str pr4y ko

theres no way to know for sure

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