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Fucking hate dealing with drama with girls.

Was single for about a year and decided to date this girl - she's amazing but there's always some kind of random problem with her and I really do like her but fuck where does the fighting stoppppp.


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=/ women are like a book wrtten in invisable ink they're impossible to read just try to guess what's happening and whats going to happen next and take it in your stride :/ end of the day in a lot of relationships it's the regular sex that counts

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Gareth l Rare

trying to think of a good philosophy to sum up women....

Look standard, you want to be with her because you dont want to be alone

Was single for about a year

You will be suprised to find sooooo many people do this, so your not alone.

If you want this to work, talk to her about it and make sure you dont flip when you tell her to shut her mouth and chill the fuck out....

generally if my chick starts to bug out and piss me off i spark a spliff with her and sorted.

Now if you dont see yourself with her for a long time, then your really just either in it for the sex or because your foreveralone..... think whats more worth it Relationship full of agro vs single life

End of the day mate, over 7billion people in the world, why get strung on 1 when she's a complete bitch..... i mean common your ranting on a runescape offtopic forum beccause of her....

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tell em how shit they are and they lose all their confidence. they have to think youre the boss and then they stop bitching around

I'm the only 15 year old on this forum, and not even I do that anymore.

just talk it out, weigh up positives vs negatives and heart vs mind.

you're smart enough to come up with a conclusion.

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You can always do what I do. Never wear the pants in the relationship, always let her know she's right and just never argue. I just drop my ego, be a big ol bitch, and get what I want. Wouldn't classify it as a healthy relationship, but at least it's a relationship.

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