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British people among world's ugliest, according to BeautifulPeople.com

Fewer than one in eight British men (12 per cent) and just three in 20 women (15 per cent) who have applied to BeautifulPeople.com have been accepted as members.

Existing members of the website rate how attractive potential members are over a 48 hour provisional period, when applicants upload a recent photograph and a short personal profile.

They are rated by members of the opposite sex, who have four options to describe how attractive they think the hopeful is - 'Yes definitely', 'Hmmm yes, OK', 'Hmmm no, not really' and 'NO definitely NOT'.

Swedish men have proved the most successful applicants, with two-thirds (65 per cent) of those putting themselves forward being accepted.

Norwegian women are considered the most beautiful with more than three-quarters (76 per cent) making the grade.

Since the website was opened to UK members 295,000 people have applied, with only 35,000 being approved.

The website was founded in 2002 in Denmark and since then it has spread to other countries - becoming available in the UK in April 2005.

The 'elite dating site for beautiful people only', went live across the globe on 26 October this year. Over the past two weeks, the site has rejected nearly 1.8 million people from 190 countries.

From the total number of hopefuls, only 360,000 new members have been admitted - meaning five-out of-six applicants (83 per cent) have been turned away.

Sweden, Brazil and Norway are proving to be the most beautiful countries overall, with applicants from Germany and the UK among the least successful.

Beautiful People managing director Greg Hodge said: "Asking why British people are doing so badly is a tough question.

"It hurts me - I'm English.

"I think there is less emphasis on appearance in the UK than overseas.

"If you go to some countries they are very into how they look - very health and body conscious.

"The UK attitude is a bit more about kicking back and relaxing, and having a few drinks in the pub after work."

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how is a website that no1 knows about an accurate basis for statistics l0l, i forgot 100% of people in england had signed up

and at least we don't live in slums.

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how is a website that no1 knows about an accurate basis for statistics l0l, i forgot 100% of people in england had signed up

and at least we don't live in slums.

This pretty much, also im straight and French men are better looking than the women.. and that really is saying something

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im quite satisfied with the women of this country tbh, went to portugal and there was maybe 1 girl i'd of banged on the whole holiday, got back to england and you can't do a 360 degree turn in london with fit birds there

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Gareth l Rare

Everytime i think of french people, i think of them as a cartoon....

Now my childhood has always taught me that french people tend to defile women.... so why would i trust a topic made by one :shifty:

he gna rape you

Get on LoL tonight mofo

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Tom (Rendition)

I think it depends on the area.  In middle class areas, you get alot of bangable girls.  In poorer areas, you get alot of dogs.

But really, if you are that attractice, why are you going on a dating site?

I hate the premise of this website anyways

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