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Taco Limey Vid 8


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This is my freind Taco Limey's 8th pk vid he asked me to post it on here for him if you havent seen his other vids you should watch them


Youtube Page = http://www.youtube.com/user/SignUp4Ko

ON A PERSONAL NOTE, l2quadride limey


Honestly one of my favorite pkers no matter what you say its actually exciting, high hits, funny clips, what you really want in a pk vid.


Completely NH kid, but it was amazing some of his switches.

He got it sorted with his Tribriding there, i liked it were he had it all lined up range/mage and melee/ with Rings aswel L

Have Uh Cry

This vid makes 45 defence look good

Spittles (Old School)

Your friend sure knows how to risk. Nice vid :)


Rly good vid pro hybriding tbh


Very nice, i used to pk with this kid in low crater wen it was -67 :p


He sure knows how to pk, 5/5.

Watch Th3 Hp

Best you'll ever see from 45def.

S W 1 F T Z

such a dirtty good pker


High risk

Insane switches

Great hits                           ~ what else can you ask for in a pk video.

Fast pace

Good editing


This is what a pk vid needs

Nice Hits

Huge Kills



wwatched it, was pretty epic lol

Iz Ahrim Iz

Me and Juho were pking and saw Taco claw spec a tank ranger 10x without koing, tank didn't even bother praying melee. Then taco teled.

Hes extremely NH but it is a pretty good vid. He should work on the void tribridding tho, alot of times his switches are really slow or he misses 1-2/4 spots.

If you want to see a Pro Tribridder, search up Hybrids G0d.


overused song besides that 4.5/5


I don't like him a bit after he blitz/g maul rushed me in Varrock center once.


Very nice, high hits, good switches and good gear


Nice vid, fun to watch.


he is now my favorite 45 def pker :P

My favorite main pker is Sparc Mac or Spartacus121

and I don't have a favorite 1 def pker, cause those vids get old and boring after a while..hardly any variety anymore..

x itsonme x

idk why u guys say hes risking its not risking at all but its a nice vid just dont say its a risk lol

a great vid but i think its more fun to have fair fights at his combat pking is so easy especially with his stats and cash he could just as easily get the same kills with rune not praying


hes such a beast, epic switching man.

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