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are there any initiate pure guides?

spiit n pk

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Hey there, thinking of turning my ddser into an initiate pure. what quests should i do? i hear do natures spirit for def to get rune gloves, im defenitly going to get atleast 82, probably 94 mage before i switch over. is there anything else i should know? get 70 att? should i get my pray up, im 31 atm. should i wait until 85+ str to turn? im 76 atm.. im really not sure but i just watched a vid of two initiate pures teaming people in high level wildy in mystic and i really wanna turn this account into that since i already have a blitz ranger.


Get 94 magic, 90 strength, 44/52 prayer, do nature spirit, get rune gloves (H)

BTW: if you aren't already 20 defence try to get decent stats first


Ideally, get 44 prayer, 94 mage, high range and strength if u want to pk deep, but no need for 70 attack. If u can afford ags go for 75 attack.

Altho wouldnt recommend 20 defence at all cus u will have to risk more to pk efficiently and fight people with higher defence


do exactly what england told you do to thts pretty good.  if u wanna know where to train i suggest experaments for range/stre

blood raain

unless u alrdy like 18 defence please dont do it


dont get 70 atk for whip unless u want to max out


Whatever you do don't listen to Sefket and never buy a dragon halberd.


lol ok. thanks guys, i think im gonna make some money and get 94 mage first and get an ags, 90 str and pk in deep wildy with a bud of mine in mystic/initiate with barrage and ags =D

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