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YouTube Music Privilages

20 Def Pkaya

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I tried uploading my 3rd pking video although it says I am copyrighting them, and I do like I used to do (send in a dispute and have the music readded) but for some reason it still isn't working.

Is there another way apart from changing the videos music that I can upload it with sound?


PM a vid maker in FOE or wait for their reply on this topic


Gareth l Rare

use underground music, helps promote them as well as gets around the copy right....


hello Nate.

the message will probs get through to u tube and get sorted. or just refer to ORTULS post.

he's a council you know.


not sure but i just upload the vid and dont care


Not sure if it still works, but you used to be able to go into an audio editing program like Audacity and change the pitch of a song by 1-2% and the music identifier that Youtube uses won't recognize the song. Means you gotta re-render and re-upload the vid though.


Why not use the music you play ? Let everyone know your love for music


When u dispute click the third option then say "I am not making any money or profit with this video"


I did that and they removed it + put a strike on my account lol


3 strikes u lose your account

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