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My Goals For the holidays.


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Hey everyone.

So ill give you a bit of an intro,

Im Luke, 14 years of age turning 15 in september.

I live in England and i love sports.

I only play runescape for fun and enjoyment. I dont cry when i loose pixels.

So yeah i made this pure i think in early 2007. But ive been playing it on and off between it and my tank.

I may seem young, but im fairly mature.

Ive set some goals to achieve before the end of the holidays.


60/60 attack

81/85 strength

1/1 defence

56/60 range

68/70 magic

31/31 prayer


Addy gloves.

4M cash pile.


25 x dds. (PKED)



Not started

(I know they arnt very big goals at all but im a lazy trainer and easily get distracted to pk :))

Thanks guys. Wish me luck.



Awsome stuff, best of luck with you're goals!


Extend your range and magic goals to 70 (Y) goodluck.


70 Range and 82 mage atleast :P

But otherwise. Gl with the acc.


Gl on your goals man, hope u achieve em

Gage-Nz Bloods

those arnt really goals sorry


those arnt really goals sorry

Because he doesnt say he wants all 99's like most nerds. (in the summer holidays)

Nice mate. Hope you achieve em.


nice reply ^ its troo tho.


Goodluck with your goals!

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