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How has Runescape affected your lives?

Teh Combos

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Just want to know what's people's thoughts on how runescape has effected people lives.

Personally, it's effected my schooling where i started back in Year 6 (11 Years old) and i had like several maths awards for being the smartest in the whole year for a few years straight, but then as i got more addicted to runescape i hit high school, then it went sort of in a downhill, i started only getting B's (was A grade student) got a few C's parents weren't too happy, started to get into a few fights with them about how long i was on the computer for. I lost a fair bit of their trust as twice i took their cards to buy rsgp, i also didn't have much of a social life i used to dog friends to go home and play rs, talk to friends, pk, etc. A few days i actually skipped school just to sit and play, i wouldn't go out to movies, parties all that to play rs, so tbh it has effected my early teens alot. I use to always do all nighters and sleep a little at school, and just overall my life was just rs. I use to dream about it, even in the shower i was addicted to it, i use to pretend shooting arrows and pull a dds out and pretend spec, and say boom sit down. Yes i was very sad back then, but ever since the bots were being used a few years ago, i started to play less and less as training legit would become pointless, etc. I then did quit at the start of this year, trying my hardest to get back playing, and everything, but i just couldn't, but in the last year, i have been getting my life back on track as i'm finishing year 11, and about to start year 12 next year. Starting to socialise more, and enjoying life more often, with moderating how much i play rs, logging on for an hour or so a week to check up on updates and everything.

When i look back on it all, i just can't believe how this extremely addictive game took over my life, and that i was one very sad kid.

Anyways sorry for the long story, just want to know how Runescape has affected everyone else?

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No need. If you didn't want to read it, you didnt have to post.


It's fucked me over social wise


I lost girlfriend my car and my house due to rs.


Lol. It's something I always did in my spare time, never ditched friends / refused to go out to scape, what's the point in that lol. RS has been quite useful for me to say the least.


haven't done anything to my grades, if I wanna be alone i'll scape


No need for flame. we're all friends here


I use to dream about it, even in the shower i was addicted to it, i use to pretend shooting arrows and pull a dds out and pretend spec, and say boom sit down.



I quit recently, best decision ever


nothing really


From my entire time spent playing Runescape I took a couple things out of it. Majority of Americans are what the rest of the world sterotypes them to be. Though one thing that I did take out of it is I use the expression "making bank" a bit. Besides that, always balanced my social life with runescape.


I use to dream about it, even in the shower i was addicted to it, i use to pretend shooting arrows and pull a dds out and pretend spec, and say boom sit down.


yh i know, i was sad back then :(


learnt a lot about computers and stuff but doesnt affect me socially tbh


hasnt really affected my life, sometimes been too much on comp etc but cant say its because of Rs.

met loads of amazing people, as a proper 4nr ive learnt my english pretty much from Rs and its communities

more pros than cons


Met a lot of interesting people.

Positive effect.

Also dependent on how much you play, it's either you play to have fun, or you play because you feel the need for it.


i'd expect that all the hours i've put in would have cost me some grades; but it's about a healthy balance between work and play... i think i got it.





The Pro's outweigh the Con's for me, which is why i haven't quit.

The only Con's would be, i used to play a bit too much and used to sometimes choose scape > going out. But that's in the past and that has changed now, Rl will always > Scape.

Pro's would be, i'm a hell of a lot more computer-literate, i've made money off it, I've met a hella lot of nice people both IRL and Online through the game. And it's just something to waste some spare time... I tried quitting for a week and just found myself bored during the weekdays lol....

And all you guys hating on him, Fuck off. You all say how much you don't scape and shit, yet you're on a fucking runescape forum 24/7 Get a life, You don't fit in here idiots, you're the reason our community has gone to shit recently.

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