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Zombie Outbreak


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Gareth l Rare

Round up a lot of people, travel to the middle of nowhere, start growing crops, everyone does their bit, peaceful amish society.

+ a weed grower + an anti weed smoker to always stay sober and keep watch...

and a shit load of chain saws and boss weapons

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Go to the winchester and wait for all this to blow over

i would love for a zombie outbreak. Obviously get to start again if you die :p.

Well i live on an island, so the boats would stop. If they could swim we are fucked. But i would gather food, a weapon, and go find a house with a 1 way entry and flat roof. And camp on the roof. Had a shit load of Dead Rising game play, so i have idea what to do ;) haha

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Had a shit load of Dead Rising game play, so i have idea what to do ;) haha

1000/1000 Gamerscore Dead Rising

Soon to be 1000/1000 Gamerscore Dead Rising 2

come at me, 7 day survivor status

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Probably stay in my own house, seeing as i know all the nooks and cranny's and it's pretty central to all kinds of supply shops. At the first sign of any type of rage disease or zombie disease, i'll be down the shop spending my savings on supplies. Weapon of choice would probably be some sort of knife, possibly a machete. Just because guns cause a lot of attention, so that would be my last option, only if i'm overwhelmed.

I'l defo barricade my house with wood and all that cool stuff, and probably renovate some of the loft into zombie-survival base, because i'm sure zombies cant climb ladders =D If the electric still stays, i'd get a lot of treadmills facing outward and place them around the windows of my house and around the perimeter of my house, that way if any zombies come i can just flick the power switch and gl getting close.

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Had a shit load of Dead Rising game play, so i have idea what to do ;) haha

1000/1000 Gamerscore Dead Rising

Soon to be 1000/1000 Gamerscore Dead Rising 2

come at me, 7 day survivor status

Haha nice. I got 960/1000 on Dead Rising. Only missing the ones like get 50 survivors into the tunnel. Cba as the AI was shit lol

#2 I thought was pretty bad, but still racked up loads, on 800 something.

I'll be down the shop spending my savings on supplies. Weapon of choice would

get a lot of treadmills facing outward and place them around the windows of my house and around the perimeter of my house, that way if any zombies come i can just flick the power switch and gl getting close.

Fucking paying for stuff, steal it in zombie outbreak lol

and ahahahahahaah at treadmill idea, thats fuckin quality

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Had a shit load of Dead Rising game play, so i have idea what to do ;) haha

1000/1000 Gamerscore Dead Rising

Soon to be 1000/1000 Gamerscore Dead Rising 2

come at me, 7 day survivor status

Haha nice. I got 960/1000 on Dead Rising. Only missing the ones like get 50 survivors into the tunnel. Cba as the AI was shit lol

#2 I thought was pretty bad, but still racked up loads, on 800 something.

What made the first one so challenging was because the AI was trash, Dead Rising 2 was definately a disappointment, nowhere near as hard as the first! Hopefully they learn from their mistakes if they make a third game, would like to see it set somewhere like Disney Land, if they could somehow get the owners to agree.


That has the be the best thing you have ever posted tbh

Just paste "zombies treadmills facing outwards" into google and you'll see dozens of results.

:facepalm: You_R_D3d, this forum is full of detectives, if you hadn't noticed already.

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Didn't say i made the idea up rofl, i got the idea from a picture i saw. Just because i originally didn't have the idea doesn't mean i cant use it rofl.

[edit] This is the picture i got the idea from.

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Go to the winchester and wait for all this to blow over

I live above a pub, so this idea fits me perfectly.

Also -

You R D3d that was a sickipedia joke like.. a month ago. :mellow:

Get your own ideas without stealing other peoples jokes breh.

But seriously, i'd probably just gather a few chums, arm ourselves, then head to the nearest big Tesco/Asda and put that on lockdown. Should be able to survive in there for a few weeks aslong as you don't make a fuckload of noise. Food/beds/essentials, done. Zombies wouldn't see us due to metal shutters, unless we purposely tried to make noise, they also wouldn't hear us, and by the time we'd gone through all the supplies, they should have all died of starvation. Or moved somewhere else, so then we could just move on to the next big store.

If push comes to shove and they found out we were in there.. go out the back way while they're all trying to break down the shutters at the front, move on to the next.

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Gareth l Rare

But seriously, i'd probably just gather a few chums, arm ourselves, then head to the nearest big Tesco/Asda and put that on lockdown. Should be able to survive in there for a few weeks aslong as you don't make a fuckload of noise. Food/beds/essentials, done. Zombies wouldn't see us due to metal shutters, unless we purposely tried to make noise, they also wouldn't hear us, and by the time we'd gone through all the supplies, they should have all died of starvation. Or moved somewhere else, so then we could just move on to the next big store.

To be fair that is actually one of the best ideas?

If you can barracade your away in with say 5-10 people then all the food in a asda mega store will last a fucking long time + frozen/ other suppys in the backroom.

although you would then need to follow mine and adams idea after a few weeks.


you have to think about others, you can just lock everyone els out, that would be inhumane. so you have to let others in which means suppys wont last as long + cabin fever will occure.

No one said anything about that yet?

People would have seen others/loved ones eaten + cabin fever so some will turn skitzo and go mental on the innocent  :unsure2:

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Locking yourself in a superstore or something would be a good idea, but too many people would have that idea, and you'll be less familiar to the place, I reckon collecting supplies and locking yourself into a familiar place with people you can 100% trust to not throw you to the zombies would be the best bet for survival, and get a self sufficient farm process set up ASAP, eat supplies till your small farm has grown potatoes, eat potatoes to save supplies, and while you're eating those potatoes, grow more potatoes! =D and when potato harvest is weak, dip into your supplies for back-up =]

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Gareth l Rare

Locking yourself in a superstore or something would be a good idea, but too many people would have that idea, and you'll be less familiar to the place, I reckon collecting supplies and locking yourself into a familiar place with people you can 100% trust to not throw you to the zombies would be the best bet for survival, and get a self sufficient farm process set up ASAP, eat supplies till your small farm has grown potatoes, eat potatoes to save supplies, and while you're eating those potatoes, grow more potatoes! =D and when potato harvest is weak, dip into your supplies for back-up =]

Problem, zombies will be on the look out for "out doors" people

unless you set up an indoors factory kinda thing although that will need power, so then you need to find a power source or a way to create power.

Now that would be something to do after 1-2months as all the zombies would have died out by then.

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depends on what zombies tbh. We going on slow dumb as fuck zombies? Or fast ones that run at you and think of good ideas.

And i wouldnt go for the supermarket idea. People getting desperate on food would try and break in by putting a van through the wall or something. And the food wouldnt last too long tbh. Most things you gotta cook or eat by date.

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True, it all depends on whether we're talking like The Walking Dead slow zombies, or like 28 days later fast zombies... Can these zombies climb ladders? Can they open doors? What is their eyesight/hearing/smell like. WE NEED ANSWERS.

But nah, potatoes can grow in the dark, so just fill a room with some dirt in a boundary, and keep it watered and its all good.

But then again, looking at the walking dead, did the survivors get it right by moving around a lot and when zombies came near, hiding?

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Say 28 days later quick as fuck zombies, the ones which die from starvation in 1-2 months, and ones which can't swim or make good ideas. So essentially all they got is the ability to run quick as fuck and a lust for human flesh.

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If we're talking 28 days later zombies, best would be get to a multi-storey building, with a small number of suriviors, but stock up on canned goods extremely early (just like 28 days later) like the riot shield dad & daughter, and just barricade the stairs and wait it out =]

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Having got up to date with this thread and thought about it again, It'd be smarter to head to like a shipyard and get on a relatively large boat, zombies are dumb as fuck, retract the ladders or whatever you'd use to get on it and enjoy watching zombies walk to their demise. Then just make runs into town similair to what they do in The Walking Dead for supplies.

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Never thought of a large boat rofl... And usually all large boats are self sufficient and have supplies to last them for months, so even if you didnt know how to sail a ship, you could do what you said and just retract the ladders rofl...

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Get my group of 3 friends, stock up at my local hunting store, stock up on canned goods, protein supplements, peanut butter, you know the necessities.

Drive a convoy of a fuel efficient car, a large pickup truck, and a trailer car to an abandoned rural farm where no one else lives for miles and miles away. Set up motion cameras to make a square around the place, and keep lookout. Rely on reusable energy, drink water out of an underground well, solar powered and wind powered everything and wait out the winter because they will all die of starvation.

Ration fuel, food, and whatever and set up barricades and a high guard tower with a high powered sniper rifle as well as silencing methods. Then from there build an underground bunker and the rest is history.

Hehe, but really it all depends on the type of zombies.

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