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Zombie Outbreak


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Depends what type of zombies they are, the dawn of the dead zombies would be fucking easy to escape.

However if theyre like i am legend zombies it would be fucking hard.

Would stay away from my girlfriend as she would scream and give shit away, she would be terrible, however shes chunky so she could be my get away weapon.

TLDR; depends how intelligent the zombies are

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Depends what type of zombies they are, the dawn of the dead zombies would be fucking easy to escape.

How fucking quick can you run?! The new Dawn of the Dead zombies are like the 28 Days Later cunts, who run quicker than fucking everything

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  • 1 year later...

This will be divided into three sections.

a. Prepping before hand; stock up on non-perishables, vitamins, ammunition, fuel, barter (gold/silver bullion, alcohol), first aid supplies and most importantly water. This would allow me to remain in my house protected and well-fed while being able to take in other survivors and keep both looters and the undead out. A pro to this situation would be the fact that a house is hard to be breached if it is properly defended and reinforced. A con however is that while you are defended, bands of looters can raid entire neighborhoods, and once one hears of your stockpile of necessities, you'll surely be the first name on their list.

b. This is called the nomad approach. Gather a rifle, a sidearm, an edge weapon, a pry bar, enough ammunition to fill four magazines for the rifle, and three for the handgun, food, water, and matches. The idea for this method is to keep moving to avoid the threats that sedentary life can pose in this kind of a situation. If you feel that it is morally right, you may loot houses to ensure that your life may thrive on what others left behind. A pro to this style would be the less likelihood of being raided, killed, or otherwise stopped. A con would be that moving vehicles are quite obvious in the sure silent post-apocalyptic world, and one well placed round to the engine will stop a vehicle dead in its tracks.

c. The final method is one often thought of in this kind of a thread. This is the "Happy Friend(s) Wandering a Desolate Landscape Approach". Happy Friend(s) Wandering a Desolate Landscape Approach entails a being or group of beings who travel together stopping at the local Wal-Mart and grabbing a bite to eat in the nice clean food court. The shelves are fully stocked with water, food, and ammunition just waiting for your group to stroll in a take what they please. In realist thought however, within 24 hours of a reported and CDC-declared outbreak, food and water will be gone, ammunition will be scarce.Don't do this one.

I have personally chosen choice a.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

hmm probably get my family together ( like cousins, aunts, and uncles etc.) build a fort like thing on our property, grow a garden for food. and gather all of the guns and amo that we can. 


oh yea and kill as many zombies as i can.

Edited by Thunder
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