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PvP Drops


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Just wondering, what did you prefer?

The days of luckily getting a fury, DFS and DFH?

Or now, when almost every kill drops a 200k artifact.

I for one, prefer the newer drops, seeing as I never got anything over a master wand with the old drops, and they were destroying the prices of all the good items.


P.S - What are all these new artifacts?

Zamorak Medallion, Armadyl totem, etc. I've never heard or got them before and there's nothing on the JAGeX site?

AND a clockwork something?

What are they!?


lol i pk f2p mostly, i get rune helm/scim out of full rune usually

but I had like 2M junk and died with it. improved my loots a lot =]



I don't even know.

In old PvP (when you can get fury etc..) I never got nothing good. Now with the new artifacts, I never get any decent like a 1m+ drop. I just have horrible luck with drops now. Some people do 76ks with 5 ep and get like a 1m drop. I do 76ks with 90+ EP and get a 17k loot? It's just pathetic. When I pk now, it's just for fun. I'm never going to depend on pking for profit unless jagex work on this drop system.


Zamorak Medallion - Zamorak Icon

Armadyl Totem - Armadyl Icon

Saradomin Carving - you know

Bandos Scrimshaw - Yup same

You probably saw timepiece (stopped) which is an item from Faruq's tools.

Anyways, the drops are better now because at least you're getting around the same amount your opponent loses every now and then. Relatively close to old wild, just its more luck.


I dont really care if they are good or bad. Random loots ruin solo pking for me. But out of the 2 I would choose the first one.


made over 100m pking and I'm in no way skilled

I fucking hate 76king though ;c


The new drop system is fine. I prefer it a lot more then the old PvP one.


I like the new drop system had some good luck :)


new drop system is pro, i like it :) iv made 10m + from bh, and i dont pk that much =\

Smited B O W

well i honestly cant pk really but i have made the money for d claws from flipping and targ hunting, so new drops = win imo.


Well, these drops are better because killing someone with nothing and getting a dfh/dfs is complete Bs. I think the new drops are also complete bs also though... Pkers who are not even good at pking get good drops. At least in the old wild you had to smite whips or skull fight in good gear to get drops.


I like the new one because in old one my best drop was 1m, but now with these stats I have gotten over 40m combined :)


new drop system is better

www.runescape.com Search>artafacts


I love the new system

I never got anything good with the old one =\


I just don't like that the maximum you can get now is 5m. I know you can get some of the guy's drop, but still, the chances..


I liked the old system better with a chance of a huge loot.


I just don't like that the maximum you can get now is 5m. I know you can get some of the guy's drop, but still, the chances..

People have pulled D claws/AGS with the new drop system. As well as 2 zaros.

George l Final Rezime

I, myself prefer the newer loot systems i think they are much better than the old lucky drops, i often get An artifact e.g Chalice & statuette.


I got a DFS so i liked that but it was awful apart from that. I do like the artifact drops, however old wildy was better no luck and chance people who deserve good drops normally got them then.


I love the new pvp, great drops more often, but there is still a chance u will get shrimp and a str pot :P


i like the old drops cuz i got a dfs and it was sick haha

R U S H E Rz

EP system is much better overall loots, but that max you could get if your super lucky is like a double zaros? (10m)

Old drop system you could get dfs/dfh ect (I got a dfh ages ago) but yeah i still prefer the new one as its more reliable and profitable if your not a super-lucky-hack person :)


Tbh id still say new drops are better.. u get PVP drops more frequently than u would a dfs or a dbow on old drops.. so it all adds up the same i reckon, plus i just like the way theyr all instantly sellable.. gj jagex for once

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