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85 Magic


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Coming along very nicely for a 63 cmb account.  :whistle:

As you can see im quite the skiller.  :p


Grats mate, accounts lookin good.




Congrat's there :) HP is funny :P

And was that sarcasm about skilling?


Congrat's there :) HP is funny :P

And was that sarcasm about skilling?

No! how rude!  :lol:



wow what an amazing acc EDIT: 40atk woulda been hella alot more sexy, also did u do mm? for addy glovs


wow what an amazing acc EDIT: 40atk woulda been hella alot more sexy, also did u do mm? for addy glovs

Cheers mate but na I dont like f2p pking haha bores me, and I have done MM subquests, so I can get the gloves if I can be bovered lol.


damn ncie acc, pwnz my shitty level 63

60 att

71 str

71 range

70 mage

lol shitty huh


Nice achievement man. Accounts coming along well, can tell it'll be a nice 1.


damn ncie acc, pwnz my shitty level 63

60 att

71 str

71 range

70 mage

lol shitty huh

Haha yeh thats the average account that I have to fight as targ.... Takes about 5 attempts till I get one that doesnt let me kill them or bloody log.  :sleep:

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