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NoSympathyy PK Commentary #3


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Shoutout to all the forums I use and have welcomed me <3!

Hey guys, released my commentary video #3. Improved my microphone so I don't sound like I'm under-water anymore haha.

The part in the commentary when I mention clans, I forgot to mention the fact that there could be more of a possibility of my Zerker (NoSympathyy) joining a Zerk clan as-well as the fact of my Pure joining a pure clan. Not deciding which one to definitely join just yet but FinalOwnageElite have been the MOST welcoming along with other clans such as TLP and Fatality and also Higher-Force. So they are my narrowed options.

Hope I answered everything in the Q&A, the video wasn't as laggy as I thought it would of been when I started to record.

Leave a Comment on the video/Rating/Subscribe/Share, anything to help my video's reach further out to the RuneScape public would be MUCH appreciated!

If you haven't seen already, I have a second channel that is slowly being set up for all types of other games, just me commentating whist playing other adventure/RPG/action/puzzle type quests which I would assure you, will end up being comical as I'm not the best at games :p

Channel here; www.youtube.com/MrNoSympathyy

Check it out if you wish to :) No worries if not, it's only for those who actually like me commentating and/or those who really wish to support me no-matter what I do. :D


Anyways, Here is the commentary; ENJOY! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJg49GfwCwA&feature=channel_video_title


gud 1 try use embed thingy tho


30 Minutes long; Sounds about right. How long I usually last!

ZAA-BAM! See what I did there? *Forever alone*


i watched some was pretty entertaining


golly gosh 30mins lol doubt many people would watch the whole thing tbh :O kewl doe


golly gosh 30mins lol doubt many people would watch the whole thing tbh :O kewl doe

Cheers pal!


golly gosh 30mins lol doubt many people would watch the whole thing tbh :O kewl doe

Cheers pal!

Yeah haha, I had a lot to talk about as it was a F&Q, so I made it as long as I could but short enough to keep people as interested as possible :o

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