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Oblivious women drivers


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Why do women suck so much at driving?

This bitch rear ended my car this morning dumb cunt

They never look around to see if cars are coming, always making stupid lane changes and just making everything a fucking dangerous situation.

Stay in the fucking kitchen, there's no such thing as a chevrolet kitchenette


Poor spatial awareness.


Not sure what its like there but here when you see a big 4 wheel drive vehicle, its always a woman driving it who just happens to have a rich husband, and they dont know how to drive them at all


Lmfao at the last sentence.


Louise Cook

Sabine Schmitz

Why are fat people so stereotypical


cus they are fat. haha ur fat.


stop being stereotypical u dont see me calling u a waste of life for being fat and a dumb ass (opinions gathered from ur youtube vids)


stop being stereotypical u dont see me calling u a waste of life for being fat and a dumb ass (opinions gathered from ur youtube vids)

go hack some more foe members faggot

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