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Occupy Movement


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There hasn't been a good thread on here in a while...So if you live in the U.S. then you know what this is. There have been similar protests in other countries, but I don't know if they use the same name. Thoughts?

Google occupy wall street if you live under a rock. Don't want to explain myself because my opinion would show and it would ruin the topic.

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Occupy = College or just graduated college kids who can't find work because they majored in art history and got a low GPA in college. Now they protest because the government isn't giving them enough rewards and help?


How's this for a thought? Occupy a job.

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The reason you guys ^ think it's "a bunch of idiot college kids" is because the media specifically chooses people that have no clue what's going on for their interviews. It has nothing to do with:

government isn't giving them enough rewards and help

It's about fixing our economy.

It's about government taking money from normal people so they can bail out big corporations. I was watching an interview of Akessio Rastani and something he said was pretty spot on: 'Governments Don't Rule The World, Goldman Sachs Rules The World'.

Big corporations "donate" to politicians so they do what the corporations want, not what the people want.

Corporations control mass media, so when you turn the TV on to see what all this "Occupy" stuff is, you're shown what the corporations(The people that are being protested against) want you to see, not what's actually going on. They're making it look like a big unorganized protest full of college kids and hippies, all who have no idea why they are there. It's actually quite organized to an extent and there is plenty of people with a similar agenda, you just won't see it on the mass media.

They should interview this guy


A prime example of CNN interviewing uninformed people, then a woman who is informed standing up and calling them out on it.


Again, someone calling corporate media out



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Shit was semi-big in aus, then the cops crashed the party. The stupid thing is half the protesters were hippy posers and indie fags who haven't got a fucking clue what they were protesting for.

As far as i know the jist of it is/was to spread wealth more evenly right? to some degree i'd say this is a good idea, obviously massive corporations that make billions of dollars and pay their CEOs hundreds of millions is just bullshit, no individual needs that kind of money while there are less fortunate scraping by. On the other hand, they've worked to get where they are whereas there are alot of poor people who are just lazy morons.

Australia's politicians have just passed a legislation to prevent themselves from being able to decline a pay rise or some shit, and gave themselves a 23% pay rise. It doesn't help that they're a bunch of incompetent retards who can't handle any matter.


Occupy = College or just graduated college kids who can't find work because they majored in art history and got a low GPA in college. Now they protest because the government isn't giving them enough rewards and help?


How's this for a thought? Occupy a job.

made me lol

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>Spend time sat on street with cardboard signs instead of job hunting


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Here's a video ... Look at all the cameras trying to catch this sob story .. there is no mass media here trying to influence this ... here's the story..

Oh and look at the people that are actually marching around ... you be the judge. Tell me they aren't college kids/hippies/hipsters/protesting for the sake of protesting.

Robert Stephens graduated from Carleton College (average cost: $42,942/year) in 2010 and now studies law at The George Washington University Law School (average cost: $70,449/year). His father has a Ph.D. and two master’s degrees; his mother also has a master’s degree. Only in America could a kid have been blessed with so much… and only in America could he still claim to be a victim. America’s capitalist society has apparently leveled a grave injustice against his family and Robert will not stand for it.


Phone inquiries into the county property records & taxpayer services office reveal that the Stephens family home is not and never has been in foreclosure, that property taxes had been paid in full this year and the remaining balance on their mortgage for the half-million dollar home is less than one year’s worth of tuition+fees at their son’s law school.


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Here's a video ... Look at all the cameras trying to catch this sob story .. there is no mass media here trying to influence this ... here's the story..

Oh and look at the people that are actually marching around ... you be the judge. Tell me they aren't college kids/hippies/hipsters/protesting for the sake of protesting.

Robert Stephens graduated from Carleton College (average cost: $42,942/year) in 2010 and now studies law at The George Washington University Law School (average cost: $70,449/year). His father has a Ph.D. and two master’s degrees; his mother also has a master’s degree. Only in America could a kid have been blessed with so much… and only in America could he still claim to be a victim. America’s capitalist society has apparently leveled a grave injustice against his family and Robert will not stand for it.


Phone inquiries into the county property records & taxpayer services office reveal that the Stephens family home is not and never has been in foreclosure, that property taxes had been paid in full this year and the remaining balance on their mortgage for the half-million dollar home is less than one year’s worth of tuition+fees at their son’s law school.


what is this dumb nigger blabbing on about? cool story bro that's the bank that took your dad's loan, he has accomplished shit, grats?

fucking dumbass attention whores need to be pepper sprayed.

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smush, it's really annoying to see a few ones making shit loads of money off poor/middle class honest people. You'll understand this once you stop spending daddy's money and work for your food.

in france, the obsession of trying to become all equal made cultural reproduction the main key to success.

i can't complain though, being reasonably well off, but i understand why people are mad.

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tool ^

instead of criticizing the protesters, why don't you explain why you think they shouldn't be protesting?

Silly rabbit. I already explained or did you just pass by my previous two points? Do you have selective sight? You only see things that you want to see. You post stupid pictures, and then I decide to post pictures and then you flame me for it? You're unbelievably ignorant.

I had already made my point and said why they shouldn't be protesting, even the pictures explain why, but you're so naive.

i can't complain though, being reasonably well off
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I was referring to your other post:

Occupy = College or just graduated college kids who can't find work because they majored in art history and got a low GPA in college. Now they protest because the government isn't giving them enough rewards and help?


How's this for a thought? Occupy a job.

now read again what i said

tool ^

instead of criticizing the protesters, why don't you explain why you think they shouldn't be protesting?

so i'm thinking

Do you have selective sight?

You're unbelievably ignorant.

so here's a stupid picture that fits your stupid posts

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I was referring to your other post:

Occupy = College or just graduated college kids who can't find work because they majored in art history and got a low GPA in college. Now they protest because the government isn't giving them enough rewards and help?


How's this for a thought? Occupy a job.

now read again what i said

tool ^

instead of criticizing the protesters, why don't you explain why you think they shouldn't be protesting?

so i'm thinking

Do you have selective sight?

You're unbelievably ignorant.

so here's a stupid picture that fits your stupid posts

Derppp  you have selective sight. You skipped over my entire post. You only see what you want to see. Derppp how about quoting my other post? You won't do it because you still don't understand English.

Here it is the second time you moron.

Here's a video ... Look at all the cameras trying to catch this sob story .. there is no mass media here trying to influence this ... here's the story..

Oh and look at the people that are actually marching around ... you be the judge. Tell me they aren't college kids/hippies/hipsters/protesting for the sake of protesting.

Robert Stephens graduated from Carleton College (average cost: $42,942/year) in 2010 and now studies law at The George Washington University Law School (average cost: $70,449/year). His father has a Ph.D. and two master’s degrees; his mother also has a master’s degree. Only in America could a kid have been blessed with so much… and only in America could he still claim to be a victim. America’s capitalist society has apparently leveled a grave injustice against his family and Robert will not stand for it.


Phone inquiries into the county property records & taxpayer services office reveal that the Stephens family home is not and never has been in foreclosure, that property taxes had been paid in full this year and the remaining balance on their mortgage for the half-million dollar home is less than one year’s worth of tuition+fees at their son’s law school.


Derppp are you going to skip over that again? Do you honestly read anything before posting? Or is Google translate from French to English not working for you? You were referring to my other post, yet you skip over the explanatory post.

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even worse... using an example to discredit the whole movement... that's not saying why they shouldn't be protesting.

whenever there is a protest, there will be losers who join in, doesn't mean the movement is wrong.

and of course the best way for the media to discredit it is to only interview those morons and make others think they represent 100% of the protesters.

go get manipulated moar

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Lol the media is now controlling me? Marc, the video I showed everyone was not from the media. It's from a pro-occupy movement YouTube channel. It's actually biased FOR the movement. Therefore, your theory on the media controlling me is a nonsensical proposition. I don't even watch the news.

This is based on personal experience, there is an occupy movement very close to me and I actually had a chance to walk down there and see what is was all about. Let me tell you, it's a joke. Does France even have Occupy? I mean this was a US based movement, so I can easily discredit you as an outsider.

You're done.

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Alright, since you two can't play nice, let's make this a little easier.

1) In your own words; what is the goal of the Occupy movement?

2) What is your opinion of the movement, e.g what are its strengths and weaknesses?

I don't mean this to be condescending, but this is turning into a troll topic quickly.

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1) Not stated, obviously. Take it to the elected leaders, don't blame the rich in America.

2) Strengths: Numbers, the press.

Weakness: Blind leading the blind. Simply put, they're putting their blame on the wrong people. Their envy toward the elite is blinding them to the true cause of the problem.

Informative video for everyone's viewing.


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Just a bunch of Hippies crying that they don't get the money they are "entitled" to.

Don't make as much money as a CEO? Work harder.

Went to uni for an arts degree? The fuck is wrong with you?

Like he said, he should've let the banks die. They gave the mortgages out on sub-prime rates to these damn hippies who couldn't pay it back. Is it the CEO's fault? No. It's the government's fault.

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Watched that whole vid Smush and what I took from it. Those guys are all fucking idiots. Love when he uses the line "Would you want to be in the 1%." How can they say they don't wanna make more money. Than that fucking lady in the 1% says she wants to pay more taxes. What a load of shit.

Fucking hippies.

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