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Forgot to include shrugs. I do them on shoulder day, and sometimes with back as well.


Good luck with whatever goals you have.

But .. crunches everyday?? What does your diet look like, are you taking any supplements, and what sort of progress have you made in the past year?


Your routine looks solid. As long as you've made strength gains on all aspects of your workout throughout your year , have made weight gains and haven't met a hard plateau that you haven't been able to beat there's nothing to change.  I do however like variety whether it be switching up heavier sets for lower reps or vice versa.

Abs can be trained everyday cause they can take a beating so I have nothing against all the crunches.

How tall are you? Just wondering cause you must be quite short since you're 155 lbs lifting them weights.  :p


strong length of hip flexors. they get shortened with crunching. srs.




I haven't made much weight gain, but considerable strength gain. I do other core stuff, but I was too lazy to include everything. I like having good abs. Obviously I do cut routines, etc., but this is a pretty standard week. I've always had an extremely high metabolism.

Only supplement I take is whey protein. I maintain a good diet. Also stay active with cardio and playing sports.

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