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Vid 11 - Bonesaw Pk - "The Punisher" - Morrigans, Zuriel, Statius, Bgs


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I dont understand why everybody is complaining about the music? :P

It fits perfect to the clips. Great video, and have a good real life :)

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Great video, the part where you were red-barred like 3 times was epicc :]

I liked the music btw  <3


absolutly love ur vids im in the works of making my own right now got the clips just not so hot at editing. maybe 1 day u can tell me some secrets =p


Great vid like always, you were right, making it shorter made me want more :P


This video was very bad compared to your others.

1- One minute intro?30seconds top because it gets really boring;

2-You used to have good songs, which made everyone watch/listen, even the people that don't like rock, listen to your music awhile watching your video, which did not happen this time I'm pretty damn sure;

3- Short video. It's true that people stop watching shortly after the start but 1minute intro and a "bad" music?They probably turned it off as soon as the intro was over;

4-Almost no variation of spots and weapons.

IMO: You rushed your video. I thought your videos were actually great but this was pretty bad comparing to your other videos. However, most of the runescape pk videos are even worse than this one.


The long intro was to show from my perspective where I'm coming from of how I quit, came back because of foe. It was to build up suspense.. I choose music that match the pking style and I liked this one because it had a beginning middle and end and different emotions at parts of the song...  

In terms of location variety I thought I added enough.... Duel arena, hunter spots, varrock east, and mostly edgeville which I can't help since all the 1 v 1ing is done there. Weapon variety? I used whip to dds, Bgs, hammer, morrigan javs, crossbow, with initiate, morrigans new hybridding with zuriel ( which I haven't seen many pures pk with) isn't that enough variety? Most videos are straight whip dds.

I see your point in saying that it isn't as appealing as the other videos with the song but calling it very bad and rushed? I put over 10 hours of editing into this and alot of thinking these past few months.


Short vid only my complaint I like to see at least 7 mins (personal opinion) good clips though in terms of material Im sure no other pure can have clips like that


Will make it longer next time I just didn't want to bore people with the same type of clips over and over again because too much of anything is bad. Keep the cc coming...


I looked into the Insight for my videos the 10 minute ones alot of people quit watching half way in. So i thought to myself why not make a vid where most people watch the whole thing wanting more? :P Also i didnt have enough clips to work with the vid was made from 2-3 hours of back to back pking

Slee: ALL of the clips were kills  and only 1 was a red bar which later was a kill (i did that to synch with the music)

I don't see the guy at 3:22 die :c

I think a lot of the reason why this video is getting slightly-negative feedback is because you have a reputation to produce great vids and when you bring out something that seems in all reality "half-done" (Lack of time is probable cause however people don't mind waiting a few months if it makes all the difference in quality of the clips). I thought the intro was ok but if you're going to use a 1 minute intro I'd expect the video to total at least 8-10 minutes. If you're stuck for ideas, watch saosin's latest vid (not sure if you have), it has some decent 4-item switch which really executes the advantages of 20+ defence well.

Anyways it's good that you're reading/replying to the constructive criticism (I'd call it that), not only fan boys who are singing your praises. Hopefully you'll take some of what is being said into account when you're making future vids. As I said before, the only reason I am a little disappointed is because I had expectations. If this was say your first vid then it'd be a great start.


Nice Video, Pretty Decent Editing, Good Hybriding 10/10


The intro was cool but I thought the pictures coming up on the left could of been synced better. Maybe a bit faster through 91-98 range. Then hit the song hard with 99.

I thought the video was fine other then that


wow nice vid nate<3

Justin|1 PureDevil

Left me "Wanting More" Hehe :p


I looked into the Insight for my videos the 10 minute ones alot of people quit watching half way in. So i thought to myself why not make a vid where most people watch the whole thing wanting more? :P Also i didnt have enough clips to work with the vid was made from 2-3 hours of back to back pking

Slee: ALL of the clips were kills  and only 1 was a red bar which later was a kill (i did that to synch with the music)

I don't see the guy at 3:22 die :c

I think a lot of the reason why this video is getting slightly-negative feedback is because you have a reputation to produce great vids and when you bring out something that seems in all reality "half-done" (Lack of time is probable cause however people don't mind waiting a few months if it makes all the difference in quality of the clips). I thought the intro was ok but if you're going to use a 1 minute intro I'd expect the video to total at least 8-10 minutes. If you're stuck for ideas, watch saosin's latest vid (not sure if you have), it has some decent 4-item switch which really executes the advantages of 20+ defence well.

Anyways it's good that you're reading/replying to the constructive criticism (I'd call it that), not only fan boys who are singing your praises. Hopefully you'll take some of what is being said into account when you're making future vids. As I said before, the only reason I am a little disappointed is because I had expectations. If this was say your first vid then it'd be a great start.

Posted Image

^^ that was the kill for 3:22

I just wanted to show the best part of that fight and not make it drag on.

Its not that im stuck for ideas,i simply used the clips i had in the past and tried to entertain my subscribers who kept asking for a vid. I felt a little uneasy because its been 3-4 months since i made a video and i had to satisfy people waiting for one so i made something with what i had.


too short is better than too long, it means you want more!

Exactly + it was a awesome vid i liked it alot B)

Yeah well I guess keeping up with the demand of youtube is hard :P


Wooooo that triple redbar of you was fucking insane and lol at you killing him after :D.

Was an awesome video bro, enjoyed it as always =).

Your a Pk video making legend haha.


This video was very bad compared to your others.

1- One minute intro?30seconds top because it gets really boring;

2-You used to have good songs, which made everyone watch/listen, even the people that don't like rock, listen to your music awhile watching your video, which did not happen this time I'm pretty damn sure;

3- Short video. It's true that people stop watching shortly after the start but 1minute intro and a "bad" music?They probably turned it off as soon as the intro was over;

4-Almost no variation of spots and weapons.

IMO: You rushed your video. I thought your videos were actually great but this was pretty bad comparing to your other videos. However, most of the runescape pk videos are even worse than this one.

Who the fuck are you?


My only complaint is the length and your few hybridding clips were good so more of those would have been nice.

Overall good vid


Very good vid awesome hits and nice editing

Looking forward to more


awesome vid nate

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