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MH exercise book


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not a big fan of Mens health, but i saw a book for £10 at asda reduced from £20 and bought it.

Its amazing, 620 different exercises split into different muscles and goals, includes variations and step by step pictures and guides.

Gives many many different workouts for different goals, explains nutrition and gives loads of hints and is deffo worth £10.

Its called 'The Men's Health Big Book of exercises'

Take the piss all u want, cause i think MH is gay as fuck, but the book is immense


Men's Health actually has some decent exercise programs/advice. Some of it can be gay, but it's pretty useful. That's the same book two of my friends wanted to buy, but I told em not to. Guess I was wrong?


Men's Health actually has some decent exercise programs/advice. Some of it can be gay, but it's pretty useful. That's the same book two of my friends wanted to buy, but I told em not to. Guess I was wrong?

Yeh its genuinely the best book ive ever written, the workouts look ace, some of the variations of exercises ive never even heard of lol, theres even a workout to increase your vertical jump (used by some US basket ball side), its got diet plans for bulking, explaining different proteins, what to look for, which veggies to eat, when to eat, what to avoid, etc.

have nothing bad to say


For example:

Chapter 5: Back


- about the back, diagram of back muscles, how each work, the benefits of having a good back etc.

- How to warm your back up

- Rows & Raises

- Chins & Pull ups

- Pulldowns and pullovers

- The best back exercise you've never done

- How to stretch your back (never stretch a cold muscle)

- How to increase your chin ups

- How to build the perfect V shape

(thats just back)

Now to dive into a subsection - Rows & Raises

Main move - inverted row - (shows and explains 8 different variations)

                 - Barbell/dumbell row - 35 different variations this time

                 - Rear lateral raise - 15 variations

                 - Cable row - 8 variations

(on each main move it says what people do wrong to injure)

Has a 3 page spread on how chin ups and pull ups differ aswell lol

Something that interested me:

The chinup spectrum (from easiest to hardest):

Negative chin up

band assisted chin up

closegrip chin up

chin up

neutral grip chin up

mixed grip chin up

pull up

wide grip pull up



Is it this one, just to clarify.


Interesting . Would be useful

Tom (Rendition)

I sometimes flick through MH mags whilst still in the shop......but then i think - I could find all this information on the internet for free without killing all sense of self-respect.


Yes this is the one, it looks corny as fuck but its amazing.

It would take you ages to find all the information online, its created by different experts from around the world


Reading :lol:

But on srs, might buy it. £10 isnt much. SHame we aint got Asda over here :(


Go on Android device, download BB.com app. All the exercises you need. + Can take anywhere and is portable.


Go on Android device, download BB.com app. All the exercises you need. + Can take anywhere and is portable.

This is so much more than a BB.com app for your phone, seriously go to a shop and take a look inside before buying


will take a look

no u wont though

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