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South Park RPG Confirmed


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Obsidian are teaming up with none other than Elder Scrolls and Fallout producers Bethesda. I hope they can fuse the great role playing elements they think of with absurd and offensive humour.


In an interview with the magazine, Parker and Stone confess that they’re both avid gamers and strongly feel that an RPG is the right treatment for South Park. Their job will be to give the game the true South Park treatment. In one anecdote, the duo was showed a potential quest from Obsidian where the player fights a “giant bat boss” being ridden by Ike, the tiny baby. The two called out Obsidian for making a generic video game quest and instead suggested sending the player to the City Wok, a Chinese restaurant that often appears on the show, to retrieve an order of Kung Pow Chicken to better fit the South Park universe.


General details


The first game Parker and Stone have directly participated in, writing the script and the dialogue.


Parker has always preferred silent protagonists in RPG's, so the player's character will be silent.

The player's character will be fully customizable.


Your character has a smartphone that acts as the primary game menu and has a facebook-like app show the number of friends you have and your current standing with the various kid factions.


There are five classes, which are wizard, paladin, adventurer, rogue, and a fifth unannounced class.


Obsidian is using the Dungeon Siege III engine.


Obsidian developed a dynamic lip-syncing tool to accommodate changes to the script.


Parker and Stone gave Obsidian 15 years of assets used during the show and a detailed list of approved textures and colors.


Critical hits, cash rewards, experience, and consumables are in the game.


Parker hates unskippable cutscenes.


The humor will be more focus on the games they have played in the past but Parker mentions that games have lampooned other games before so they don't want to do exactly that instead they are focusing more on RPG's on how big and bombastic they can get sometimes.

And best of all

Eric Cartman will greet your character and help you decide your class, which are wizard, paladin, adventurer, rogue, and a fifth unconventional class made up by Cartman
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I remember something about a family guy rpg

looks cool though

The family guy beta is out in the next 7-14 days :D

I love Bethesda.. but.. no. Just, no on this one, will be fucking horrible.

South Park is horrible on its own actually.


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