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LOL @ Wall Street Hippies

Mike (0BR)

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Idiots can still fight for a good cause, like smart people can fight for a bad one. The OWS protests are pretty much cleared out, it's just conspiracy theorists who think 9/11 was an inside job, and a bunch of homeless people. The brains behind the protest are elsewhere.

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The problem is they're too stupid to present their argument without screaming irrelevant filth in peoples faces. Yer he hires lots of people, and pays 50% of his income in tax, but like 90% of his income is disproportional to the ammount of work he does. No matter how hard or long he worked to get to where he is, CEO's get paid exorbitant ammounts of money that could be put to much better use.

However these retarded protesters think they should have some right to more pay or some stupid shit. If you wanted to make more money you should have become some economics nerd like this guy.

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Idiots can still fight for a good cause, like smart people can fight for a bad one. The OWS protests are pretty much cleared out, it's just conspiracy theorists who think 9/11 was an inside job, and a bunch of homeless people. The brains behind the protest are elsewhere.

There was no brains behind it in the first place mate.

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The problem is they're too stupid to present their argument without screaming irrelevant filth in peoples faces. Yer he hires lots of people, and pays 50% of his income in tax, but like 90% of his income is disproportional to the ammount of work he does. No matter how hard or long he worked to get to where he is, CEO's get paid exorbitant ammounts of money that could be put to much better use.

However these retarded protesters think they should have some right to more pay or some stupid shit. If you wanted to make more money you should have become some economics nerd like this guy.

What better use could it be put towards? It's his money let him keep it. Should he disperse the excess funds hes aquired to the whole city so these low-life self-entitled idiots can go buy more crack and protest nothing?

All the power to the CEO's. Fuck hippies brah

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Someone explain this whole Occupy Movement to me, i've not read up about it at all.

i believe its something like this. and feel free to correct me anyone.

I think its that since the US is in a resection these protesters think its the people from Wall Street's fault. (Wall Street is where all the major US bank are really i believe) When the stock market crashed a little the bank started going down a bit so the US government gave money to the banks(in trillions) to get them on their feet.

I think lol

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Someone explain this whole Occupy Movement to me, i've not read up about it at all.

i believe its something like this. and feel free to correct me anyone.

I think its that since the US is in a resection these protesters think its the people from Wall Street's fault. (Wall Street is where all the major US bank are really i believe) When the stock market crashed a little the bank started going down a bit so the US government gave money to the banks(in trillions) to get them on their feet.

I think lol

Just a difference in wealth and the self-entitled hippies are crying about it.

They're calling the big nigs greedy for not paying MORE taxes than they already do( which in the video the guys is paying 50% of his income, as well as property taxes that amount to more than everyone around him combined)

They also haven't realized yet that their degree in classical music or sociology, or African American Women's Studies gets them nowhere.

I hate hippies.

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Man he destroys that slut. Wish she'd shut the fuck up and let him talk rather than trying to talk over him. No wonder he's the CEO and she's loser complaining.

Edit just seen this


Strong hippie presence. I bet 90% of them don't even care about employment.

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Still don't understand what exactly they want, and why they think any of the people who made their way up the ladder and worked hard to be earning as much as they're earning owe them anything.

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They aren't all hippies, a camera angle can skew everyone's opinion.  A lot of them are college graduates with a "respectable" degree (0br, ignorant pig).  They are pushing for change in favor of the working class, not tax cuts for big business that everyone seems to forget, but they themselves (Wall Street) are against budgets that include government aid for the less fortunate, but expect things to go in their favor.  How can you claim that America is nothing without Wall Street, the Middle Class makes up America, without it America would not function.

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