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I snip3r lt achievement diary page...


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Hello, Final ownage elite community. Most of you probably dont know me. I know I got 1 post, but I guess it will take more time to know me better. So anyway my rsn is : I snip3r lt and this is going to be a thread for my achievement diary that I will be updating daily. Wish me luck :)

At the moment my stats looks like this, but its only the matter of time when you see me pking with you guys :)

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Day 2

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Day 3

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I will update my stats photo daily, so you can see my progress :)


Short Term Goals

1. Achieve level 70 Ranged.
2. Achieve level 70 Mage.
3. Achieve level 50 Attack.
4. Achieve level 68 Strength.
5. Achieve wealth of 10M.
6. Complete Desert Treasure.
7. Achieve level 44 Prayer.

Long Term Goals.

1. Achieve level 85 Ranged.
2. Achieve level 85 Magic.
3. Achieve level 82 Strength.
4. Achieve level 60 Attack.
5. Complete Monkey Madness.

Total wealth on the account atm.

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Nice progress.

Share your money making way please.


Nice progress.

Share your money making way please.

Buy pineapples from g.e and slice them to pineapple rings.... approx 300k/hr. If you gonna do this please sell for mid or max :). And ty for commenting. Im going to release ~30k+ range xp a hour f2p when I get 70 range, because If I do it now that place will get too crowded :)


Nice progress.

Share your money making way please.

Buy pineapples from g.e and slice them to pineapple rings.... approx 300k/hr. If you gonna do this please sell for mid or max :). And ty for commenting. Im going to release ~30k+ range xp a hour f2p when I get 70 range, because If I do it now that place will get too crowded :)

Thank you, Just wondering if you know a good place to get range 36-70 in f2p need it for my low level tank.

Isnt the pineapples method members?


Yeh its member. And for the ranged xp guide , as I said I will release it  tomorrow. It will be possible to get you 36/k ranged xp @ level 67 ranged.


Sorry for the double post , my pc glitched.


61 att :o? anyway gl with your goals ;)


Why 61 attack. And i wouldn't have shared your money making guide.


Goodluck with your goals :p


61 attack and 52 pray? Your goals are to ruin your account?  :unsure2:


Lol I wanted to get 61 attack ,because my friend told mme that I will hit more often with that. And 52 prayer for smite... Or shoulldnt I get 52 pray?


dont get 61 att and 52 prayer. Get 44 at the most, 31 is recommended tho


Updated.... Reached first short term goal - 70 ranged.


Lol'd @ ur m8 telling you to get 61 attack  :whistle:   Gl with your goals tho  :nice:


stay 60 attack and below 44 prayer


stay 60 attack and below 44 prayer

In my opinion atleast 43 pray is a must at P2P. to many rushers there.


Updated with achievements of day 3.

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