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Looking for a GFXer


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Basically, I have plans for the forums and for the homepage. If any GFXer is available or anyone who has talent and has time, please PM me.


relentless abuse


When do you need stuff done? Because next week friday i will have a 2 week break for christmas so i'll be free to do stuff. Up to you if you want me or others i don't mind, im just building up a new portfolio thats all.


Nice to see some helpful gfxers in FOE :)

Good luck Sefquat and thanks for helping guys.


When do you need stuff done? Because next week friday i will have a 2 week break for christmas so i'll be free to do stuff. Up to you if you want me or others i don't mind, im just building up a new portfolio thats all.

Oh, we have all month or so :) . And if you want to build a new portfolio, I can give you a website which will help you're business :) .


think the gfx ranks are inactive/busy but im sure a foe member with skills shall help u sheffy

<3 you jamie


we have gfx unit for this. lol.


Ok sefket , drop me a pm on irc when your ready, so i can have a look at the project before i start it :).


Not that i don't like these forums, but i have no interest in runescape or anything to do with it, and as such really have no motivation to expand the community or this website :\

If it's something that won't take long and someone PMs me i'll do it if i have time, but i'm not going to spend my free time working on runescape related pieces i'm not interested in.


Not that i don't like these forums, but i have no interest in runescape or anything to do with it, and as such really have no motivation to expand the community or this website :\

If it's something that won't take long and someone PMs me i'll do it if i have time, but i'm not going to spend my free time working on runescape related pieces i'm not interested in.

Well all our GFX projects consists of Runescape content.


Not that i don't like these forums, but i have no interest in runescape or anything to do with it, and as such really have no motivation to expand the community or this website :\

If it's something that won't take long and someone PMs me i'll do it if i have time, but i'm not going to spend my free time working on runescape related pieces i'm not interested in.

Well all our GFX projects consists of Runescape content.

like i said if it's some gfx you're after, i'm happy to help, but i just cbf taking on a massive project about a topic i have no interest in anymore.


understandable really, your talents in this area are incredible which is why sefket is so desperate for your help :P

hopefully something will get worked out

btw, we got winter awards soon...would be nice if you or gareth could help out w/that

we plan on releasing the topic/votes in around a week, thus needing the main gfx done in a few weeks...then we can get names/awards to add for each as you've helped us with in the past :P


I'm not good with this but I will happily pose naked for the site home page


Well i'm on holidays till feb, so drop me a PM if you need any work done and i'll get back to you on it.


Connor #1 . I loved your past work . You inspired me to try get into photoshop :D

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