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Foe Vs Fi "Everything on" Matched P2p Prep


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Topic by Dan


After EOP cancelling their P2P prep with us set for Friday, we looked elsewhere for action and we started within the wilderness. With not much out and MM calling HF to help them yet again we asked about looking for a second chance of a clan wars fight. Fatality happily agreed to a P2P prep 3 rounds (2 turrets 1 plataeu) with the same rules as PCL, safe. We left the wilderness and went to clan wars, swapping prayers, gearing up and whipping our titans out ready to fight.

Videos of the Day.


- Ph0ne


- Devon


- Kruck


- Halloween


- Kopono


- TwactaJowy




Round 1 ~ Defend

FOE Starting - 46

FI Starting - 46

FOE Defended for round 1 as Fatality hopped to us. FI potted up and rushed south straight away but we called titans on the west side so on the rush, we got a huge amount of quick kos while letting the east side tank it ouut while our titans did work. Looking at the minimap, FI also got themselves into a few clumps just west of the centre that we took advantage of by getting onto it straight away landing our barrages. After the west side cleared up the FI numbers pretty quickly, we were up by 10 as we moved it north and east to start getting on to the fi hanging around the centre and west side of the map. To end the round, we cleared up the last of the FI on the east side.

FOE Ending - 31

FI Ending - 0


Round 2 ~ Attack

FOE Starting - 46

FI Starting - 46

This time FOE attacked and we attacked from the north getting piles off south. Our strongest side was the east side. As soon as we hit, the east side got some quick piles off and some really nice KOs. FI were up by 1 to start off but FOE out piled and out tanked to get some quick KOs and longer lasting members in the second round. After the east side had cleared up all of the FI members in that area, they moved as a unit to the centre and then finally to the very west clearing everything up on their way.

FOE Ending - 31

FI Ending - 0


Round 3 ~ PK Run In

FOE Starting - 45

FI Starting - 45

The last round was a PK Run In however we changed the map from turrets to plateau to mix it up a little. Initially we had wanted classic but FI insided on plateau so we gave it to them in the end. The fight started as soon as we had sat our last man to match them in the arena. FI attacked straight away catching us slightly off guard however they did get into a couple of clumps assisting us in the fight. Our strongside side as always (this time being the west side) got some really quick KOs down and was a very effective piling unit. The east side worked hard to tank the FI members attacking us as the third round was by far their best chance of beating us as the put up more of a fight in the open arena. The west side cleared up the remaining members north so they moved it south east finishing up the surviving members soon to be killed and out of the fight.

FOE Ending - 28

FI Ending - 0


Overall the prep was a really fun event for us to have and overall a really fun Friday trip. Lots of respect to Fatality to giving us the fight in the first place and also staying for the full 3 rounds. As for MM, we'll see you on the weekend. Good Job Lads!

Topic by Dan

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Don't forget to check out Foetube for the latest on Foe run ins!


Sick ass fight, great job foe!


nice vids was sick


ffs missed it, bet it was right after i left aswell


I was sniping with mage all 3 rounds . Got it vidded . Most fun ive had in foe so far


nice job, last round i got hit through p nec. wtf? first round i was first pile, seond round a survived ^_^

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