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Foe devours Complexity/Eop


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Foe 3-0 Complexity (Basically n eop team so their clan doesn't look shit at minis)

2nd round screen froze at start n still dint die :D igudpk



Shot niggz ! Ty 4 fury last round , hit a 550 dbolte , nothing much . Will watch the vid soon


get ovls kid!!!


fawk gettin 92 herb legit doe


y are u using 24/7 barrage with that staff...


y are u using 24/7 barrage with that staff...

staff doesnt hit multiple targets + it hits inconsistantly, barrage is much better, but the mage bonuses of the staff are better then master wand, and just a bit worse then chaotic staff, which i dont have


Ily m8 , lilguys like you and i always going hard at minis


i cut wut u did their with the title, good job with the mini

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