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Wow.... literally. what?


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Quoting this directly from some kid on the WoW official forums lol (I've quit rs and gone back to WoW)

it may seem long, but it's worth reading the entire thing if for nothing more than a good laugh

This will be long. You will be inclined to stop reading half way through, call me a troll, make fun of me, whatever. Say what you must. But hear me out.

WoW is, in the eyes of many, a game played by people with "no life", "losers", etc...we have heard all the cliches. And I suppose you all as the playerbase just ignore such judgements...such has been so true for me.

Allow me to tell my story:

I started playing WoW in early 2005 at the age 10. I loved it. At first I played with my older brother sometimes, but he stopped playing pretty quickly cause he got pretty busy with school. So I continued on alone, a simple 5th grader collecting silver, doing quests, running Deadmines, whatever.

Flash forward two years to 2007 and the release of Burning Crusade. Now, you have to understand that as I got older, I became more addicted, and got into endgame of vanilla pretty hardcore. UBRS, LBRS, Onyxia, you name it, I did it every night. My bedtime was 10, but I would stay up till eleven doing some business before getting back onto the computer at 11 and getting ready for my guild's 11:30 runs. For the last months of school leading up to winter break, I had done a great job of this without getting in trouble with my parents. But this all changed one night in December, 2006 I guess it was. I was on Team Speak and we were doing UBRS and about to engage Drakkisath. I as the hunter was in charge of kiting him while the guards were taken out. But I had all the spells/shots I used to kite next to 1 and 2. My finger slipped from 1 down to tab, I got a crit hit on him, he came at me, crited me, and the next thing you know we wiped. Our raid leader (I think he was the tank) said "WHAT THE !@#$ WAS THAT DOOMFACE?" He started yelling at me and everyone else was sighing/giving me crap. "I'm...really sorry guys." I rarely spoke because I didn't want to wake up my parents or let them know how young I was. So we rezzed and went in again, same thing, except this time I was so afraid to shoot that I lost aggro when a rogue (I think) accidently attacked Drakkisath. Rogue aggroed, we wiped. I sighed relief that it wasn't my fault, but I hear "Doomface.........you're out. Sorry buddy." Next thing you know I'm out of the guild without explanation. I started cursing and crying in Team Speak but they kicked me and that was it.

I just sat there crying with my headphones still on when my dad came in. "Joseph, what the hell are you doin?" I explained the whole situation and while he felt bad, he grounded me for being up late...and that meant no Warcraft for winter break.

So I went on break, it sucked, but I thought endgame wouldn't matter when Crusade was released.

I got the expansion, installed it, and went on, went into Hellfire. It was all new and awesome. I deleted my friends list. But then my guildmmate Wendywends texted me. "Hey Joseph, how are you sweetie?" I blushed. I guess she was just being motherly but I was still a little taken aback cause she was always so nice to me (so I had told her my first name). I played it cool. "I'm chillin, Hellfire awesome? How's the Winged Warbuddies? (guild name)" "Well, we are okay...not as good without my Joseph." My heart skipped a beat. I know this all seems really weird if you are reading but you have to understand I was not popular at school. I was that nerd kid, bullied, swirled (in toilets full of diarrhea, no less)...so any attention from a woman was big...even virtual. She played a really cute female gnome and I had certainly.........done some of my business while looking at a screenshot of me and her dancing. I responded by saying, "Hey...you want to go out on a date sometime?" I had no idea what I even meant. "Well gosh Joseph...um, you mean in game?" "....uh, yeah!" I said lying, but knowing that was only thing that would make since. So I made a private Team Speak channel and on Valentines day 2007 (Wednesday night) we met. I dressed up much to my parents concern, and brought flowers to my desk. I took a picture of the flowers using the webcam. "Hey Wendy...um, I have something I want to show you, can I have your email?" "Sure!...I can't see the harm in that." She gave it to me and I sent the photo. She responded over teamspeak that she thought it was beautiful. She then sent me a picture of herself, an older looking woman but kinda pretty nonetheless. "Wow, you are beautiful!" She paused. "Thank you." Keep in mind I am paraphrasing cause this was almost 5 years ago. We started walking through Shattrath, admiring all the pretty stuff in there. She then said..."Hey Joseph, how old are you? Can I have a picture?" I paused...surely she knew I was young, I sounded so young over chat. "Sure I said...I awkwardly spiked my hair up and took a permanent marker to color in a slight beard. I sent it to her. Waited, nervous. Next thing I know I'm unpartied and I get a message saying "You %^-*ing pervert little kid...you are like 11...(I was 12)...you made me feel like suc a !@#$%^-*! never talk to me again." Our old guild tank messaged me and said "stop creeping on my guildies you @#$%ing freak." I ^-*!ing punched my wall right then, I have never been so pissed. My parents came in, but weren't mad - they knew I had been planning the date and allowed me to stay up late. I erased the hunter...days of work...and tried to get it back the next day but Blizz told me there was nothing I could do...

That was a low moment for me. But these were merely social issued within the game...still being addicted as I was I cared. So I played Burning Crusade, heartbroken. Life went on, middle school sucked, but the worst was yet to come.

High school was a step up middle school, if only because I made a new nerd friend, we'll call him Charlie. Now Charlie hadn't played WoW as much as I had but he decided to reroll blood elves with me with the release of Lich King cause we had never done it with Crusade. I'm 14 now, a bit smarter, developing, urges, all that. So long story short cause this is getting too long...I started feeling gay for Charlie in real life. I texted him too much, and when we played together I would often /flirt with him. I rolled a female blood elf so he thought i was just bein funny but after a while stuff got weird and one day we passed each other in the hallway. A bully...well, one of them...he had gone to middle school with me and had made fun of me relentlessly for WoW. He stopped us both in the hallway, put us up against the lockers, and said in front of all the kids going to their new classes. "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, HERE WE HAVE TWO FA**OTS WHO PLAY WOW." I started freaking out, shaking, about to cry. "AND SINCE THEY ARE SO GAY FOR EACH OTHER, LET'S SEE HOW

THEY REACT TO EACH OTHER." Next thing I know this guy is pulling my shorts down and Charlies shorts down...and then...if it couldn't get any worse...I got a hard on seeing Charlie naked and I....messed myself...if you know what I mean. Everyone gasped, howled, laughed, and I started crying. Bully kicked me in the balls, I ran out crying...

I don't know if anyone here has ever been so embarassed that it seems that they could literally never live life. I have never been suicidal. I just live life...its not that bad...but this.......wow. The bully got suspended for two weeks...but...Joseph moved schools never talked to me again.

I am now a senior at the same school. I have few friends. And I look back to 2005 and think, what if my brother had never suggested I play WoW...maybe, it would be all different. I have a 2.6 GPA and will be lucky to get into my town's local community college.

Thanks for reading. Life goes on. But.

My question to you all...

How do you deal with all the social issues WoW has caused you...and what do I do? What do I do to become cool...or like...cooler than I am now.

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