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[PRAYER] 44 vs. 52


Overall, which level would be better for prayer now?  

37 members have voted

  1. 1. Overall, which level would be better for prayer now?

    • 44
    • 52

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Well at my combat from 44-52 its only 1 combat so if you dont mind that 1 combat Id say 52. But overall 44 :D


i have 31, if somone does smite it's hella annoying causing me to p pot more. trust me, smite does make a bit of difference.


52 = old pking

44= newfag pking

+ even in old wild only shit pkers got smited for items not hard to click prayer pot


44, 52 has no use now.. unless u wanna get a cb lvl for anchor:O


smite for clan/multi pking, 44 for solo pking. i'd say to stick to 44.

Spittles (Old School)

You never know they might change it again just like how everyone was getting defence for BH and then PVP came out.

But yeah for range based pures with 80+ range atleast goes good with 44 pray but if you got overall good stats 52 is nice to have.


probally say 44 is better since u cant smite items anymore.  44 > 52.


44 pray gets me threw =/


52 owns 44 tbh, u gain like 1 cb more, and smite wrecks ppl who dnt no how to pk :)

Austin|Vile Maul

Option c. 31 pray, barely gains cb, I still did the pure quests and it's all u need


i recently got 52 prayer and i think its worth it b/c it makes ppot worth it and only gets you 1 combat level from 44-52.

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