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Im Hooded Up's Hybriding video ~ Green drags etc


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Well, most of my pk vids are like 95% 1v1ing, because that's what i used to do alot, now that 1v1ing is so patheticly nh.. (I mean you spec and  they pray melee).. but anyway I've been hybriding alot more because of this.


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Tom (Rendition)

Prett good music, likes the music.  What time do you usually pk at east drags? would like to bump into you.


I liked: good job on wide variety of places and weapons


Prett good music, likes the music.  What time do you usually pk at east drags? would like to bump into you.

I wouldn't mind going  WITH you lolz

@Kofte, ty :)

And andy|return i see you viewing this!! Getting active on foe forums are we ? :P


uhhhmm good job intresting :) good work


Liked it Sam, apart from u killing me in clip 3 after i wstarted on half food from some taggers L ;)


Liked it Sam, apart from u killing me in clip 3 after i wstarted on half food from some taggers L ;)

Soz lol, i didn't know you where just standing there resting :o


Nice music, nice switches, nice loot. Great vid man.

Connor|New Recruits

No point in the initiate switch, overall good video, could of done with some better editting.


some clips had low specs, dont bother putting 20 - 10 spec in a vid :P and why did u show a redbar in the second fight


No point in the initiate switch, overall good video, could of done with some better editting.

Initiate switch is purely for defence/prayer bonus if i'm 1v1ing someone, if they run i just barrage with mystics tho.

@Itz, ty, been practising me switches :)


nice, good switches and such. 


Decent vid, liked the music,

But I didn't like some of the pking, killing 1 iteming targs? Not really fun to watch. Also the part where you killed the level 70 pure, who wasn't even fighting back, oh, and you're 15 levels higher, that wasn't really entertaining.

4/5 overall.

Adam | LayDown

nice man


First clip is you getting smited, 2nd clip is redbar.


GREAAAAATTTT fucking music though. But just poor hybriding.

Hella owned that 1 itemer with no food at 2:40, was beautiful.

EDIT: At the end of the video, it was alright. Some nice hybriding clips, but those openers sucked dick.

The clip at 4:35 was a bit dumb, the pure wasn't even potting. And you pray'd melee, lol.

6:30 was epic though. *runs* sees zaros, *runs the fuck back*

"suck that, suck it. That's what you get for telling me to suck it." are you 14?


First clip is you getting smited, 2nd clip is redbar.


GREAAAAATTTT fucking music though. But just poor hybriding.

Hella owned that 1 itemer with no food at 2:40, was beautiful.

EDIT: At the end of the video, it was alright. Some nice hybriding clips, but those openers sucked dick.

The clip at 4:35 was a bit dumb, the pure wasn't even potting. And you pray'd melee, lol.

6:30 was epic though. *runs* sees zaros, *runs the fuck back*

"suck that, suck it. That's what you get for telling me to suck it." are you 14?

I did read all of that beleive it or not, and ty, i can take all of that on board.

4:35, i prayed melee because i saw his friends dds come on, just incase of a tag i prayed melee til my mate took the other guy.

6:30, yeah i was gonna bank and get loot, but after seeing the 5m thingy i was like FUCK THAT.

Suck it stuff, i dunno, the guy was just really cocky lol, and no im 16 lol. Don't ask though :L

And thanks, i try to use music that no other pker would use in vids :) Bit of an indie boy

zi damage zi

your 20 defence hybriddin with a cb bracelet it looks soooooo shabby did u do nature spirit???


3/5 nice kills and stuff, just wasnt into the simplicity of the vid and stuff keep it up though :}

37ep on a targ kill when he got nothin on lol, i wish i was that lucky


Nice to see a good drags video, good combos aswell, nice video.


enjoyed it, gj sam.


Pretty good video, can tell you only just started hybriding, forgetting to p pot and stuff.

Loved the music though and kills were enjoyable.

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