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Hardest muscle to build?

B L l l T Z

What is the hardest muscle for you  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. What is the hardest muscle for you

    • quads
    • calves
    • back
    • biceps
    • forearm
    • triceps
    • chest
    • abs
    • shoulders

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its all about your routine / genetics.

also the fact that you included abs/forearms and not traps/delts etc annoyed me. and its common for people to find lats very hard to develop. that saught after V shape from people that don't do wide grip pullups!

i prob find legs hardest but only because i used to neglect them and they havn't caught up, not bovered anyway though as i dont find big quads aesthetic.

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genetics / shoulders

peoples shoulders generally dont get sore/grow fast cause u use them ur whole life to lift ur arms and various objects, that being said, calf goes for the same thing

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Abs. All my life I've been quite skinny so you could also see my abs pretty definite (Because I was skinny not cause they had muscle). Then I kept trying to make them muscular and solid, and I still can't make them tough. A lot of my other friends who are a lot bigger than me can get a little 4 pack going, but I hear it's those bottom two that are a hassle.

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't there actually 8 or something?

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Tbh don't think any muscle is particularly 'hard' to train, just depends on whether you have a proper routine and use correct form during exercises tbh. I'd say the slowest muscles developping on my body are my shoulders, but that's because i rarely train them.

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My calves have always been big, and my shoulders really grew when I started working them out ..

But ... the hardest muscle for me to build is the lower abs as well as my biceps ..


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Arms for me, legs are quite ahead of rest of body.

Calves cold are 16.5 inches, Thighs cold 22.5 inches, right arm cold is 12.9 inches, left arm cold is 12.5 inches.


Been on bulk since early September and got like 0.8 inches on arms but would like more before cut.  Is my first bulk and arm genetics suck.

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